Chapter 6-Romeo And Juliet

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•Zayn Malik•

"Who are you so busy texting?" Harry asked.

"Um...Perrie." I said unexpectedly. Ugh why would I bring her up? Demi looked at me with a confused expression. Yup. I'm dead.

"You haven't talked to her since the last time you guys...did the nasty." Louis whispered the last part but it didn't really work out. I shrugged my shoulders at Louis but didn't miss the raised eyebrow Demi had sent my way.

"Always good to catch up here and there." I replied. The boys all obnoxiously hollered and Demi gave me a cold stare before my phone vibrated again.

From Demi: really? ur last hook up? y did u bring her up?

To Demi: srry it was unexpected.

From Demi: fine whatever.

To Demi: r u mad?

From Demi: 😒 a little but forget it.

To Demi: nooooo dont be mad ☹ ️plz?

From Demi: lol ok fine 😚

To Demi: yay! 😚💕

I looked over to see a smile on her face and slight blush. I smiled over to her and winked before walking out to the other room. That had become our secret signal to let each other know to break free from the group and meet with the other. The whole floor was rented out to us so everyone got their own room and we used the others as lounges. This made sneaking around with Demi a lot more easier. Hopefully we'll rent out whole floors at every hotel.

•Niall Horan•

I had been noticing the change in Zayn and Demi. They had seemed to be really happy these days. Well now we all know why Zayn was so happy. More then likely he was doing more then 'catching up' with Perrie, but why was Demi so happy? I got off of the couch and started jumping on th mini trampoline to get my mind off of everything.

"Niall be careful you're going to break something." Demi warned in her motherly way. She'sbeen hanging out with Liam too much.

"Yes mother." I huffed dramatically and jumped even higher.

"I warned him." She said with defeat lacing her words. Harry chuckled and started shooting rubber bands at me.

"Ow!" I said as Louis joined and the rubber bands kept hitting me.

"Higher monkey!" Harry laughed.

"Guys you are going to hurt him." Demi said with a concerned look.

"You sound like me." Liam said with a smile. Demi shook her head and walked out the lounge, probably going back to her room to avoid witnessing any of us harm ourselves.

"Jump!" Louis ordered and I laughed trying to jump higher to avoid the rubber band assault.

•Demi Lovato•

"Oh Romeo." I whispered as I knocked on Zayn's door. He opened it immediately pulled me into the room with a grin.

"Why hello Juliet." He chuckled. I smiled at him and he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to know if you'd like to go to dinner tonight?" I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"You do realize what 'keep this a secrect' means right?" I asked.

"Yes. What I meant was me and the lads are going out to dinner and I want you to come."

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