Tildes part 1/2

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Now we're going to sort the words that have tildes in 4 groups.
There are words ,in which, the accent goes in the first syllable , only if the word's made up of 4 or more silables.
This words are not very common. Let's say that if you see one , you're lucky. I don't think I can write some examples, but I'll surely do it in the upcoming chapter.

Esdrujúla :this words have the accent on the first syllable. Only if the word's made up of , 3 syllables , or it can also be of 4 syllables. In that case the accent would go in the second syllable.
¤Cámara- Camera "cá-ma-ra", (that's the way to separate word's syllables. )

Llana:this words wether can be composed of 2 or 3 syllables. In the first case , the accent goes in the first syllable. In the second one , the accent goes in the second syllables. But only when the words don't finish in , -s ,-n nor a vowel.
Cajón-Drawer ;" ca- jón", (this Word has the "tilde" on the last syllable , because it is not " llana ". It ends in -n, as I told you, words that finish in letters such as -s, -n and/or a vowel, aren't called "llanas". )
Lápiz-Pencil; "lá- piz", (This words HAS a tilde on the first syllable because, it ends in -z. Which is not , a " -s", "-n" nor a "-vowel". )
Mesa-Table(as you can see this words has not a tilde over the first syllable).

Aguda: let's take a look to the previous example. Any word ending in a "-s","-n" or a vowel , has a tilde on the last syllable . Only if the the word is made up of maximum 2 syllables.
Más-More; "más",( this word has only got one syllable, but it doesn't matter. As I said before  agudas can have a maximum of two syllables).

I'm really sorry for not updating, please excuse me! I'm aware that nobody reads this book , but if I am lucky and by chance you find this book, I want you to know that I apologize for being late.
In the next chapter I am going to write more examples of words that have tilde.

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