[Chapter Six - Lost In Your Eyes]

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-- P A U L --

Paul led John up to his bedroom, where the cleanliness and broken dreams awaited. Turning on his light, John got a good view of the younger lad's environment. On the far left corner, sat a bookshelf that had records, books, magazines, and a stuffed bear.

The stuffed bear was a gift Paul's mother gave him right before she'd passed away. John didn't know this, and to that, he let out a laugh.

"Ye have a teddy bear?" John scoffed, "What are ye, a fuckin' five-year-old?"

Paul narrowed his eyes up at the older boy, glaring at him in an upset manner.

"That was a gift from my mother," Paul states, "that was the last thing she gave me before she passed away."

John looked down at the ground, instantly feeling guilty.

"Oh, I'm sorry, mate." John replied apologetically.

"It's okay," Paul breathed, "ye didn't know." he looked down at the carpeted floor; his hazel eyes brimming with tears.

"So," he sniffled. "shall we begin, John?"

John nodded, then sat on the bed as Paul grabbed his left-handed bass guitar and placed it on his lap.


-- J O H N --

"Like this?" John asked as he placed his hand on third fret. Paul nodded, then began to strum along with him as their hands shifted to different chords.

They each shifted their fingers within the chord change. John bit his lip, hypnotized by Paul's piercing hazel eyes. He found himself boring into them, and just as he was about to shift to an A#, his guitar fell to the hardwood floor; causing both lads to jump.

"Oh shite," John cursed, picking up his guitar. "I'm sorry about tha'."

Paul chuckled, shaking his head.

" S'alright, John." he smiled adoringly; taking in the older lad's features.

John placed the front of his guitar on his lap, facing the chubby lad as they smiled at each other. And once again, John was lost within Paul's gaze.

"Paul," John muttered, "I. . ."

Paul leaned in, taking a closer look into his golden-brown orbs. They were so close, but neither of them didn't know what to say to each other.

"I like you." they said in unison.

Just then, the telephone rang. Getting up, Paul exited the room, cheeks flushed as he made his way downstairs.

As John sat still on Paul's bed, he slammed his face into his palm; groaning at what had just happened.

He had a crush on his best mate. . .

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