Fools (Final Chapter)

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the title is a troye sivan song as troye is basically the reason i breathe
also it fits this chapter well so c:
also i feel i may cry because i got a bit too emotional while writing this
okay bye have fun

Chapter 23 (also le finale if you didn't get that by the title)

Third person POV

Alex was lost. Not in a figurative way, though. He was literally lost in a forest, with no idea how he got there.

Last thing he remembered, Jack had been at the hospital after literally every trace of any human activity there seemed to be erased. This was the same Jack that he had believed to be dead just a week before. The same Jack he had cried nightly over after those dicks at school had basically murdered him.

And he was shoving his way through the branches and leaves in the hopes of finding Jack, yet he had literally no idea where he was. The only thing on his mind at the moment was how happy he would feel when he finally got to embrace Jack and tell him how much he loved him and missed him. He was thinking of how he would kiss him and how he would probably cry again, but for the first time in a long time, he would be crying out of joy instead of despair.

These were the thoughts that he ran over in his head for the thousandth time as he felt another branch hit him in the face, and ignored the pain it caused him. These were the thoughts that he kept his mind focused on as his feet nearly gave up on him because of his tireless pushing, and his stubbornness that would probably get him in trouble sometime.

He felt the muscles in his legs screaming in protest as another hour pushed on, and he noticed how hard he had started breathing when he finally fell to his knees. He was starting to lose hope. What if there wasn't a way out for miles?

Just as these thoughts resounded through his head, as though he was blessed by god himself, he saw an opening in the trees just in front of him. And in front of it was a hill.

Seeing this, Alex was motivated to stand up, and despite the protests from his body, trudged on for a couple more minutes before he finally reached the opening, and what he saw was absolutely beautiful to him, although maybe it wasn't for other people.

~le flashback~

"Jack, where do you think you'd want to live as an adult?" Alex asked Jack innocently, expecting a specific place or maybe just a 'hmm, I think I'll stay here.'

"Hmmm," Jack said, thinking. "Ooh! I know!" he smiled. Alex giggled at him, and he pretended to roll his eyes at him. "I think I'd just like to live in a little place. Not like an apartment. Just like a little house maybe, far away from everything else. That wouldn't be too expensive, would it? It's just that that's my dream. I'd like to have a family in a house like that. Probably not here. I don't like many of the people here, no offense. I-" He blushed when he noticed Alex smiling at him. "Never mind."

"Noooo," Alex begged. "Please, you looked so happy. I want to hear more."

Jack smiled and kissed Alex. It was a simple gesture but it made butterflies fly through both of their chests as they laid in bed like that, content.

~sorry I suck at flashbacks but le flashback is over~

It was literally the exact house that Jack described, up at the top of a grassy hill. It was simple, yet Alex could tell that it was exactly what Jack had wanted. He headed up to the house and knocked on the door, causing it to just swing open.

A Love Like War (Jalex)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt