The Bleached Blonde Bombshell

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I finally have that stupid boot off and I can walk around freely, Rikki is still convinced that I'm going to hurt myself. It's well into April now and everything is going really well. Maybe I should say was.

It was pretty early, when I say early I mean for the group of rockstars that I run wi it's really early. Rikki was still in bed asleep and I'm downstairs making coffee.

I usually love the smell of coffee but today it just turns something inside me. Something inside me doesn't feel right. My stomach does a flip and I run into the bathroom. After puking up everything I've ever eaten, I stand up and look at myself in the mirror.

"What's wrong with you, Bianca?" I ask myself and start to brush my teeth again.

When I come out of the bathroom in the kitchen stands my husband, Ashley, and CC. My twin brother is dialling the phone and he looks up at me.

"Bee? Are you okay? You're looking a little pale." He says and I make a face.

"I'm pale, you're pale, we're blonde CC it tends to work that way." I say and Rikki laughs.

"Okay, you look paler than normal." CC says and I shrug.

"I'm okay." I promise him but Ashley looks at me. She doesn't believe anything, I quickly turn back to my twin. "Who are you calling?" He laughs a bit.

"You have to hear what my mother told me this morning." CC says as he holds the phone to his ear.

I walk over to Rikki and he wraps his arm around me. He kisses my temple.

"You do look kinda pale, babe." My husband says quietly and I nod.

"You'll be the first to know otherwise." I promise and he grins.

"Good." Rikki says and squeezes me into his side.

"Hello mother." CC says into the cordless phone. "Yeah, so how about you tell Bianca what the hell you just told me? Yeah ma, Bee deserves to know! You know, if you don't tell her I will." My twin turns to me and holds the phone out to me. "Phone, Bee."

"Yeah, thanks." I say and hold it up to my ear. "Hey ma, has CC lost his mind again?" I wonder and he flips me off.

"Well baby," Mom sighs. "I'm getting married."

"You're what!?!" I scream and CC laughs.

"I take it Bee knows now." He laughs.

"Baby, your father has been gone--"

"One year and twelve days, mom. That's not enough time." I say.


"No, don't Bianca me! Who is this guy, I guarantee he's not better than my fucking dad." I snap.

"Peter Morgan." She sighs.

"You're fucking Coach Morgan?" I ask and CC laughs.

"He has a daughter your and Bruce's age." Mom starts.

"Penny Morgan is the biggest whore in the Northeast!" I yell. "Christ ma, they heard about her in New Jersey!"

"Bianca, I won't have you talk about your new sister!" Mom snaps.

"My sister is Ana and CC, depending on how you look at things." I say and CC flips me off.

"Look you to come to New York, you and your...Rikki...and your brother and his girlfriend." She states.

"Mom--" I start.

"Bianca Eleanor, you got married in Las Vegas! You owe me this one solid!" Mom yells and I go quiet. I scowl because I know that see won. "I'll be expecting the four of you at the end of the week."

Those are my mother's parting words and she hangs up the phone. I look at the phone in disbelief.

My mom was married to my dad for years and years and years. It bothers me knowing how quickly she moved on. Just over a year and she's getting remarried. Not only that but she's marrying Coach Morgan. This is what an absolute disaster looks like!

"So I take it she told you that you and Rikki are going to New York?" CC wonders and I nod. "Ana told me she bleached her hair."

"Jesus Christ." I laugh. "One bleached blonde bombshell in this family is enough. Wait! Isn't Coach Morgan a good five years younger than mom?"

"Yeah that sounds about right." My twin agrees. "Gross, our mom is a fucking cougar!"

"Gross." I say and make a face.

With that Ashley grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the back door.

"I'm stealing your wife, Rockett." She yells.

"She was my twin first!" CC complains.

Once the back door closes Ashley looks at me.

"Are you knocked up as well?" She wonders.

"Wait, are you?" I ask.

Maybe I'm just confused but it sounds like she might be....Wait am I?

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