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"Hey," I called, having to raise my voice over the excited rumblings that filled the hallway. "Inside voices please. And what happened to my single file line?"

From the sound of it, you'd think I was herding a football team from the field after a win instead of the bunch of nine year olds that made up my 4th grade class. They were literally bouncing off the walls today. And every other day that they got to go the playground before lunch.

"Sierra, turn around. Avery, wait until we get outside to bounce the ball, please. Austin, keep your hands to yourself!" My whole morning had been like this. I just had to get them to the playground before I could head to the teacher's lounge to take my own break. "Come on, guys!"

We got to the double doors at the end of the hall without me having to reprimand anyone else. The line leader held the door open as they stepped through one by one. I lifted my hand to wave at Amy, one of the other 4th grade teachers. The poor soul not only had recess duty, but lunch duty today, as well.

I quickly made my way back to the classroom to grab my lunch bag and my cell phone. I'd been waiting for my brother in law to call all morning. My sister was in labor with their first child and I was anxiously waiting for my new niece to get here. I had my head down, taking a peek at my lock screen when I made it to the lounge. I almost plowed into another teacher on her way out.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled, before I even looked up. I lifted my head and instantly turned into that awkward teenage girl all over again. "I didn't see you, Miss Joan."

"It's alright, dear." She smiled at me warmly, the same as she always did. "Have a good day."

As she walked away, a million memories came flooding back. Again. The same as they did every single time I ran into her. Which was often, since we worked together every single day.

I shook my head to clear it, refusing to let myself go down that road again and made my way over to the table in the corner.

I sat my phone aside and started unpacking my meager lunch; a banana, a granola bar and some vanilla yogurt, followed by a bottle of water. My way of being on a diet. Especially if I wanted to get bikini-ready.

Spring was almost here and I was determined to head to the beach for spring break this year. I was definitely in a rut and I needed to get myself up out of it. Getting away from this sleepy little town was the first step.

Sighing deeply, I ripped open the granola bar and took a bite. I reached for my bottle of water and spun the cap off as memories from my last trip to the beach flashed through my head.

Long days lounging in the sun. Late nights walking on the sand. The waves crashing against the shore. Strong, tanned arms wrapped around me. His dark head bent to mine...

"Stop it," I growled to myself. Thinking about this stuff was pointless. It wouldn't change a thing.

I reached for my phone, determined to force the memories away. That time in my life was the last thing I wanted to dwell on. I'd moved on and I wasn't going back.

Swiping my thumb across the screen, I quickly unlocked it. I began to sift through my notifications. A couple of missed calls, all from numbers I didn't know. A few facebook alerts, a friend request from an old college classmate. A text from my brother in law saying there was still no baby. And then, as if I'd conjured it up just by thinking about him, his name was on my screen...

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