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We continued to fight, I felt pathetic without myself being at my full strength, normally at full strength she would've been dead a long time ago, but in the weakened state I'm in now, it's taking forever, because of this, I'm also unable to defend myself as effectively. Ashley takes out a Black wing and slams it into me, knocking the air out of me and sending me flying. I crash to the ground, losing my weapon in the process. Hotsuma jumps in all the sudden, attacking Ashley with all he has. "What did you do to him?!" Hotsuma says while attacking. Ashley laughs. "He wished to die, I simply granted his wish. Your friend is gone. But don't worry, you'll soon join him!" she says before slamming her claws into him, sending him flying backwards. His body slams to the ground. A few moments later, he struggled to get up as Ashley slowly drew closer. I try to get up, but fall back down. I need to help him... "Haze. Attack!" I call out, Haze responds quickly and crashes into Ashley. "You little brat! Get off of me!" Ashley yells at Haze but Haze doesn't listen. "All this talk about you being dead...I don't believe it, I won't! You promised we'd stick you need to keep that promise. WAKE UP SHUSEIIIIII!!!!" Hotsuma yells, unknowingly fueling his voice with his ability. I look towards Shusei, seeing the Red tendrils shatter and Shusei begins to awaken. I hear a loud yelp and rip my eyes away quickly. Haze lay on the ground a few feet away from me, her more powerful form dissipating into her low-leveled one. "Haze..." I breath out with wide eyes before crawling to her, and pulling her fragile body into my arms, and hugging her to my chest, closing my eyes. "You are dismissed now, you fought well." I say before her body fades away, back into resting. I look back to Shusei, who was fully awake, and glaring at Ashley who was not far from Hotsuma, readying an attack, Shusei quickly summons his weapon and sends it flying at Ashley. Both Ashley and Hotsuma was shocked and turns towards Shusei. I can't help but smirk before I slowly raise. After dismissing Haze, my energy I had started with returns little by little. "Kikui..." I summon my weapon, but before I can attack Ashley while she was distracted, I'm attacked, and have to block. Two faces come into view. Not these two... I quickly recognize the two faces before me. "Came to enjoy the party have we? Seems their letting anyone in these days...oh well." I say and glare at the two twin General Class Duras. They give me matching creepy smiles, flashing their fangs before they each launch another attack. I am able to block one, but the other sends me flying back. "Gaining up on poor innocent me are we? That's not fair, you guys should know you'll need more than the two of you to take me down." I say. As I'm fighting, I start to feel all my abilities returning. What..? But how? As I'm racking my brain for answers, I sense a presence getting closer to this place. But I felt no threat from that presence. I don't have time to think more on that, since the twins attack again. I meet them half way, one jumps out of the way of my sword, but the other, isn't so lucky, and gets my sword plunged into his chest. He stares at the sword in his chest in horror, before slowly looking towards me. "I warned you, but you did not listen, and now, you will perish." I say before he disappears. Before I could react, a shrill cry is heard, before I'm thrown backwards, even though I'm able to block with Kikui. I raise myself just as the last twin attacks in anger, I launch at him at the same time, but neither of our attacks end up happening, for part of the roof of the building collapses with a loud bang and falls, bringing with it a cloud of dust, which plunges the entire room into a cloudy mess. I have no choice but to shield myself from the dust and parts of cement which fly around. The presence I had felt was finally here, and it was familiar to me. I didn't dare believe the presence I felt was who I thought it was, not wanting to get my hopes up. As the dust slowly clears, I see a dark Figure standing there, with familiar Purple Lightning formed here and there around the figure. My eyes widen once I see that. 


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"Zess..." I can't stop the name from escaping my lips. The figure glances over his shoulder as soon as I say that name, before fully turning, and marching up to me.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: BAM! CLIFF HANGER! (KIND OF) you know I'm liking this new thing with the pic in the writing part, it's awesome, also don't mind the subtitle on the bottom of gif lol I couldn't get it out since found it on google XD Hope you liked the chapter, ( ) in case you can't see the gif that's the link

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