Chapter 2 : King Princeton B

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"Me and the other teachers have been keeping an eye on you,Miss Venus"said the Headmistress sitting on her chair.

"Umm...that's pretty creepy"i joked.As you can see im not a serious type of person.

"This is the third time you're in my office and yo-"she stopped when i cut her off.

"If you're trying to say that you're kicking me out of here then i suggest you go straight to the point." yes,i am rude.She's kicking me out anyways.I tured to my mom and saw her hands on her forehead.She's probably disapointed in me...really disapointed.She's gonna kill me when we get home.

"You may leave now."the Headmistress said holding the door .Wow this woman really wants me to leave doesn't she.So we did.


It's been 3 hours and still my mom haven't said a single word to me,this is bad......I guess.She's really disapointed in me,i can see it in her face.I mean...who wouldn't??Its the 12th time i got expelled.Then,I heard someone knock the door of my room.I opened it and saw "Mom?"I asked.She was standing there looking at me smiling.

"Pack your stuff,you're going to boarding school.You'll be leaving tomorrow." at first i thought it was a joke,then i saw her looking so damn serious.I nodded and closed the door .Are you fucking serious??Boarding school??Eerrkhhh... I heard that boarding schools are for goody two-shoes and smarties and nerds and ... people ... brrrr ...

Ngah well...I still have to pack...all i packed is my skateboard,my laptop,sweatshirts and sweatpants.I looked at my ring watch and It's 10:00 pm.I laid on my bed and i heard the door knocking...again.Who the hell is it?!?!

"What?"I said opening the door and saw Danielle .

"Hey" she said looking sad.

"Hey" I said giving a small smile.

"Mom said you're moving to boarding school" she said looking down.

"Yeah..."I said with a frown.

"If you go to boarding school,then who's gonna play with me?Who's gonna talk with me." she said looking at me.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came to my mind.I was speechless.Then she hugged me.I returned the favour.


I woke up and looked at the clock,"7 am." I said smiling.Today I'll be moving to boarding school.Why am I acting like this is a big deal?

So i start my morning routine,brushed my teeth and dried my hair as always and went downstairs.And I saw mom and Danielle on the kitchen table having breakfast as I joined in.

"So what time are you guys going?"

Dannie asked sipping some orange juice.I looked at mom since even i didn't know what time we're going.

"We're leaving on 9,we'd probably reach there on 10."she said smiling.

Dannie nodded looking sad.I know she wished that i could stay.Suddenly something crazy popped into my mind."" I asked nervously.

"Yes hunny??"she said looking at me.

I looked at Dannie for a while.she's already staring.

"I was thinking.......if Dannie could follow me to boarding school."I said hoping she'll say yes to my answer.

"Oh pleasseeee mom!!!Pleaaasseeeeee!!!" Dannie stood up and begged to my mom like a kid begging for free candy.

She thinks for a while and "Okay" she said smiling ."Now go pack !!!It's already 8." she said.I followed her up to her room and helped her pack her stuff.She's girly so...yes she packed make-up and other girly stuff haha.I don't really see why she needs make-up,she's already pretty.

After we've done packing,we went downstairs and saw mom already in the car waiting for us.So we rushed into the car ."I cant believe it !!" Dannie said holding my hand.

"What?" I asked .

"I cant believe we're going to boarding school."she said laughing.

"Uhuh?And why is that?" I asked looking at her.

"I dont know...we both used to say that boarding schools are for losers and nerds and stuff haha" she said laughing.She's right.We did.


"Were here" mom said waking us both up.

"Holly-"I said as Dannie continued "-Molly".The school is freaking huge !!!

"Huge isn't it?" mom said.

"Yeeeaaahhhh..."we both said in sync.As we're lost in our own worlds.

"Do you guys want me to follow you in?"she offered.

"No no no no !!! Were perfectly fine haha" Dannie said as I laughed."Yeah,we can go by ourselves" I said giving her one last hug.We said our goodbyes and she left.

"So whadda we do now?"She asked me.

"Sign up for our names i guess?" I said.I made it sound more like a question.

"Ouh yeah,I think thats the place"she said pointing to some kind of office.Did I mention its huge??

So we walked in and check for our names,they woman said we were lucky cause they were only left two rooms.She gave me a key with a keychain that says 'Room Q 95 B' ."What block did you get??" I asked Dannie.

"Block R" she said looking at the keychain.

"Can't we share the same room?" I asked the lady.

"Let me check..." she said looking through the computer. ",because all the rooms are full" she said looking at me .

"Ouh okay" i said turning to Dannie.

"So i guess I'll see you later?" I asked her.

"Sure ,Ill call you as soon as Im done unpacking these" she said refering to her bags full of girly stuff.

"I cant wait to meet my roomate" she said clapping her hands exitedly.She loves making new friends .Unlike me,she loves hanging out .

" too" i said faking a smile .So I head to my room as she did too.

I searched and searched and searched and finally made it to my room.I looked at the door that says 'Q 95-B' .There were loud music playing in the room.Great...I wonder who my roomate is.I let out a sigh before i opened the door and saw a ..................................................guy??

What the?A guy is my roomate??Well....i cant change to any other room cause that lady said these are the last rooms.I didn't expect my roomate was a guy !!!


Hey ,its me Abryy...I know..this part is weird.Hope you'll love it !!!BTW,have you guys watch The Best Song Ever by 1D??Well,it is the Best Song Ever !!!LOL .

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