Chapter 1

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1.Act like a crazy fan girl and awe over him non stop.
2.Tell him that his DOG is scarier than him.
3.Tell him that Hoody is more useful than him.
4.Keep pointing out that Jeff may have killed hundreds of people but he can never beat Ben in video games.
5.Keep repeating "F**k you." over and over since he likes that word a lot.
6.Hide his knife and once he finds it, hide it again.
7.Watch him in his sleep, once he wakes up pounce on him and say "Go To Sleep."
8.Tell him that he looks like a girl.
9.Point out that he's only mean to Sally because she's weak while the others are stronger than him.
10.Follow him when he's on a killing spree, and when he's about to kill his victim, take his knife from him.

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