Chapter 3: Vampire under the Bright Lights

Start from the beginning

I noticed everyone turned to look at us. It helped that I was looking only at Noah, even though I admit I felt like my ribcage was about to explode.

“Hello, Queen. That’s a nice dress you’ve got there,” he said, giving me his infamous smile.

His words weren’t slurred—a good sign.

“Thanks. Nice coat, too,” I answered, giving him my charming smile in return.

He fiddled with his glass, looking only at me, and I knew because he was staring at my eyes. I couldn’t help but think if I had put on the right shade of Estée Lauder Pure Color EyeShadow as the girl on the magazine named Hilary had, and if the Définicils Precious Cells by Lancôme had really regenerated the condition of my lashes the exact same way Julia Roberts’ had been.

Noah was supposed to be a senior already. Like I said, he had to stop a year to establish his career. Then after what seemed like a gazillion interviews on several magazines and on TV, he went back to school. It was when I first noticed him.

He entered the Junior Section A classroom with an air of confidence like he was doing it all his life. I could still remember how the entire class stopped whatever it was they were doing to stare at the newcomer. Of course, most of he girls knew him. I couldn’t deny I did know him, also, because I had been hearing his name since I started studying at Luna East, but I haven’t really seen him face to face until that day. And I admit it was like love at first sight.

“It’s nice you can come to this party,” he said, putting my train of thoughts into a halt.

I raised one eyebrow at him. “You mean I never liked going to parties.”

“Oh, I mean, I never saw you at parties, that’s all.”

“My best friend thought this party is different. I don’t know really.”

He nodded his head. “Of course. Well, if you like to give it a good start, I know a better place than here.”

I was about to laugh, but I looked at him and saw a glow in his eyes that I haven’t seen before.

“A better place, huh?” I said, a little seductively, instead. And when I said seductive, I was making my voice sound husky and I was batting my eyelashes. I knew how to seduce a guy, too, okay?

But the next thing that happened was something I would never have imagined happening in my entire life in high school.

He . . . kissed . . . me. Yes! Noah de Mateo was kissing me, just a distance away from others, in Martin Santiago’s party. Oh-my-frigging-posh sleeveless dress in blue charmeuse with jabot and lace overlay!

Then, our lips parted. It was only a short one, but a kiss, all right that I had to wonder if he got a taste of the strawberry lipgloss I put on. It probably took him only two seconds to do it, but for me it seemed like my enter life in high school flashing right before my eyes.

“What was that?” I asked, a little breathless. I was so sure that all the color in my face had left me and that I looked like a vampire under the bright lights of the party.

Slowly, Noah’s lips formed into a letter o.

Duh. I looked beautiful, but it didn’t mean I could just let anyone kiss me. I wasn’t the least stupid. I strained myself to talk in a whisper despite the distinct throbbing of my heart. “What was that?” I repeated.

He just raised his eyebrows at me, looking bewildered as if he, himself, didn’t know what had happened.

If Noah weren’t so good looking, I swear, I would have slapped him in the face right there and then. But instead, I said, “You know what, let’s just talk when you’re not drunk.”

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