Chapter 5

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Nadine and her brothers are now strolling near the arcade,
"Come on, let's buy some tokens so I can beat you guys now"Nadine joked with her brothers,
"Not a chance Nadz" one of her brothers answered while shaking his head. They started to play some video games, but Nadine was still restless, like it was not the thing she wanted to do in the first place, but she can't put her head to it.Her thoughts drifted back to her bestfriend. She was wondering what he's doing right now. She should have went to his house already, she missed him. And now, she flet like she missed him more than a friend,  she missed hugging him, talking to him. She wondered what really happened last night, did she dream of him? or was he really there? she's so confused with her feelings at the moment when,
"Where are you"one of her brothers joked,
" I'm crushing you, and you're not even moving"he was pointing out in the video screen,She just shrugged and continued playing, and her thoughts would drif back to him again. When did this start? she thought, when did she fell in love with her bestfriend. But one thing is for sure, she needs to tell him, She's definitely sure that he knows what to do about it. He laways finds a way. He is her anchor, her pillar, and every decision she wants to make, she consults him first, for she felt like she can't decide on her own, she needs him. The problem now is, how does she talk to him about it? what would she say? "hey, james, I think i'm falling for you, what do we do about it?" she laughed at herself. She needs to practice her speech for him later. So While both of her brothers was playing, nadine tried to check out some other stuff in the arcade, "Guys, i'll just buy some ice cream okay?"She told them. While she was buying her ice cream, she heard the voice she's longing to hear.She Followed that particular voice, and stopped in her tracks. As she saw James laughing at something Juliet was saying, and they're too close, for her liking, and she hated the fact that he had his hands on her hips. That's too intimate, she thought. And the worst part was, Juliet saw her now, and smiled snidely.
"Come here, girl" Juliet invited her. She can't walk though, she stood rooted to the ground. Until she felt James hand on her. Urging her to move.
"Hey, I missed you" James Hugged her.
"Where have you been? I missed hanging out with you"James smiled, and looked at her with all the love and concern for a friend.
"home"she answered,with a questioning look on her face, and she knew he got what she meant."are you okay? you look white as a sheet, considering you're not white at all"juliet smirked. Oh this girl could smirk all day, if she could.  she just kept looking at them like she lost her tongue. She wanted to cry, it feels like her heart is breaking right in front of her bestfriend. And for what? because she's jealous with a girl, that's not even worth it of his love?
"I'm fine, just been busy, but here I am,"she recovered and smiled.
"Ooh, ice cream!"James exclaimed, taking the ice cream from her grasp  and began to lick it.James, you're so disgusting!that's hers"Juliet said harshly,
"Don't worry, she doesn't have cooties,besides, she's not yet swapping saliva with other people,"James answered Juliet pointedly
"Right Naddie?i'd be the first to know right?"James looked at Nadine.concerned etched on his fac . "I gotta go, enjoy your day guys," Nadine said and turned around.  But James catched up to her.
" Hey, let's hang out, come on"James consoled her.
"With her Jaye?I don't think so" she gave him a hard stare.
"I'm sorry naddie, it just sort of happened, I ... i'm sorry, "James said defeatedly.
"I'm sorry too, James, i guess i'll see you around" Nadine said and left. without turning back to her bestfriend. The tears that was threatening to drop, came. She saw her brothers looking at her, and she was sure they saw her talking to James and juliet. But as she came near them. One of her brothers hug him to her, and whispered
" I guess he's not what what we thought he was, you'll find better, Nadz" And she hugged him back and said,
" oh, he is worth it"as she tried her hardest to stop herself from crying.

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