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Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

"Blessings are addictions to believers to be used to promote the kingdom". (Rev. Dr. Kwadwo Boateng Bempah).

It is a usual thing to hear of people boasting of their blessings in wealth, strength, talents, and even their bodily features. They are even happy about their location, that is, where they stay, school or even work. As a believer, they are addictions from God to be blessing to others, not yourself. John 3:27. James 1:17. But let me ask this, what do you use all these blessings for?. Are they lying there dormant, are they being used but not to the full or you are using them selfishly?. Everything God has entrusted into your hands or care is to be channeled into promoting His kingdom to depopulate hell to populate heaven. The scary part of it is that, we all will be accountable for the things we used the blessings for. Matthew 25:14-30. The glorious part also is that, when you use the blessings of God in your life for seeking first His kingdom, He makes sure that you are not stagnated in that blessing, but you move from glory to higher glory. Your beautiful voice can be channeled into kingdom promotions, your beautiful legs, beautiful face all are to promote the kingdom. Your position at that workplace is to introduce others to Christ. Your financial resources are be channeled into getting Gospel materials to save the lost. Remember, we all will give accounts for our use or misuse of the blessings entrusted to our care. Is God happy with you or not?. Watch it, the time is limited, gird up your loins and bring everything on board to promote the kingdom of light. If others are supporting terrorist attacks in the bid of promoting the kingdom of darkness, we can do best. Remember, we were born with nothing, but blessed with a lot, so stop trying to store riches here on earth which you will not exit with, but when you get the blessings, use them to push the gospel for treasures to be laid up in heaven for you. Kingdom promotion promotes destiny. Matthew 6:33.

Heavenly Father, I receive the grace to use the blessings you have endowed me with to promote your kingdom.

A blessed day.
Double Portion.

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