Chapter One: Bitemarks & Bloodstains

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Bitemarks & Bloodstains

Something wasn't right, she could feel it like a cold vibration in her bones, but she couldn't seem to find it in herself to care too much about that nagging, unsettling feeling.

She wasn't doing anything unusual, in fact, she was standing in line outside of one of downtowns seediest nightclubs, waiting just like everyone else to get inside. This was absolutely nothing new for her, she'd been cycling through the same routine for almost three and a half years now. She had a problem, an extremely serious problem that could quickly land her dead, or something much worse. The only problem was that they didn't have people around that could help her with her particular problem, because to the normal, functioning portion of society, the things she'd seen and the things that she had done were only possible in legend and myth.

The didn't have AA or NA meetings for vampire junkies. Why the hell not, you wonder? Because those things don't exist, remember?

She shifted from one foot to the other, feeling uncomfortable in her heels. There was also a strange stiffness in her knees. Gold eyes looked up and around the shortening line and a sigh of relief escaped her as she realized she was almost to the entrance.

Until that gut clenching dread returned.

Stepping into the dark, yet freakishly bright club, she went straight for the bar. Something wasn't sitting right with her and it was beginning to drive her insane. What she was currently feeling wasn't vampire venom related, though she could feel the effects beginning from her lack of intake, this was something entirely different. Maybe a quick drink would calm her nerves.

Hell, She thought was she placed her order, If this doesn't work I'm sure I can find something stronger. With a nod to the bartender as he slid her shot of tequila into her waiting hand, she lifted the thick glass and swallowed with a hiss.

Setting the glass back onto the bar top, she threw up two fingers with a small wave and a flirtatious smile. The bartender winked and quickly poured up a second shot.

As she brought the second one to her lips, another chill rolled down her spine, causing her eyes to flutter. Swallowing the liquor, she bit back a curse and motioned for one more.

She needed a different kind of fix tonight, but until she could unwind the knot in her stomach, it was going to have to wait. Besides, the tequila wouldn't take long to kick in.

A set of mismatched eyes, one a brilliant emerald green and one a cold icey blue, roamed the overly crowded nightclub while his fingers tapped the glossy black table top. He was seated in the very back, nestled in his corner booth so that he stayed tucked safely within the shadows that surrounded him. He was a frequent visitor, coming and going with the ever changing crowds, only they rarely knew that he was there, as he preferred to keep to himself. He was a creature of solitude and unfortunately, habit. As much as he would have liked to be able to say that he was different from the usual and new club goers, he wasn't. He came to the same place, in search of the same things.

That otherworldly gaze swept downward, locking onto the white, powdery substance that sat in a neat little pile about a foot from him. In his human life he had craved a certain kind of numbness. A release from the pain when he thought he'd never find an escape. Eventually, he'd found that escape, but not really. His hands were still bound in a sense, his emotions still raw, though he often hid them behind a cold facade. Under normal circumstances, one usually learned from their mistakes, unfortunately, he hadn't.

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