Chapter Three: You Can Call Me Crazy

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Chapter Three: You Can Call Me Crazy

Asher clicked the door shut behind him as he tugged his hood over his head, covering the long black and gold dreadlocks that hung like thick ropes down his back, Asher shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and took a deep breath. Putting one foot in front of the other, he began his shameful shuffle toward Ryker's downstairs office.

His entire body ached with each step, his breath came out a little rough and his head was a spinning mess of never ending questions, but he continued to trudge along, dreading the next few minutes of his seemingly never ending existence.

An image of the woman from the bar the night before popped into his brain, positioning itself front and center before it quickly went from her at the bar to her being broken and bloody in his arms. A tremble rolled through him and his knees threatened to buckle, causing him to reach for the wall to support himself.

It bothered him that he couldn't figure out where this sudden connection had come from. He was cursed to an eternity of Hell, there was no happily ever after for him. When he'd made his deal with the devil his fate had been sealed. He would know nothing but damnation, suffering.

Asher stood there a moment, both hands braced on the wall, his head hung between his shoulders so that his unfocused eyes could watch the fuzzy dark carpet.

There is someone out there for you Asher, but you must never make that bond. A sacrifice must be made at the cost of your mistake. If ever you are to find the other half of your soul, you must turn away. You mustn't allow that bond. I cannot stress myself enough to you! There will be consequences of unfortunate magnitude. You are the damned and the damned cannot love, they cannot know happiness and they will never know peace. You, Asher, as the Angel of Death, will never know happiness.

The conversation from memory came on so quickly, Asher found himself damn near gasping for breath as he recalled the very events that lead up to that conversation.

"Absolutely not," He whispered aloud to himself as he finally dropped his hands from the wall. His attention fell straight ahead, a whole new box of thoughts bursting open.

This so could not be happening! He might have sounded like some punk ass little brat, but there was a different kind of rage bubbling beneath the surface of his skin.

Couldn't he just live out of his lifetime of shittiness without it getting shittier? He scoffed at that thought as he knocked his knuckles against the solid wood of Rykers office door. When there was a soft click, he stepped back and let the door open itself. Going eye to eye with Lucifer, he answered his owned question about his shitty situation.

Not a fat chance because fate was a cruel bitch. No lie, he knew her personally.

"Do you realize what you've done Asher," Lucifer went straight for the jugular as per usual, "I told you that there would be consequences, repercussions if this ever happened,"

Asher held the other man's stare with his own hooded one, "Is that why I knew she was in danger?" He almost slapped a hand over his mouth as he let the question slip out. In fact, he probably would have done so if he'd had the energy to lift his hand.

Lucifer stood from his chair and unfolded to his full six foot six height, "You shouldn't have saved her. You should have left her to die and then properly taken her soul. I told you this a lifetime ago Asher, I warned you,"

Asher stood silent for a minute as he tried to process what Lucifer was saying, his brain was barely online, "But you never told me what would actually happen," Damn it! What was with him tonight?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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