Chapter One

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Batman Is Exotic. Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

A/N: Unfortunately No Editing was done, any mistakes? Please inform me.


His To Keep


Chapter One

It seemed as if the weather decided to forebode something negative within the day.

The sky shed tears of sadness from thick cotton balls of gray, the wind displayed its distress as it thrashed around the limbs of trees and completely shed anyone's hopes of a beautiful day. Flash flood warnings rang through out the town and yet school still had the audacity to be in session. Being that I was out of a car I stayed home; far away from the chaos of the storm.

I absolutely abhorred such gloomy weather, perhaps a drizzle of rain never hurt anyone but a full-fledged storm? Now that was terrible. Especially when Summer was peering its head around the corner, how was it a few weeks until Summer and yet there was a thunder storm occurring right outside of my window? I suppose that's the work of Global Warming.

I continued to watch the storm, my butt slightly perched on my wide window seal. And though there seemed to be an never ending down pour on my window and the only thing I could see was my reflection; I still watched feeling awfully lonely.

My father still had yet to come home and Zethron had disappeared. As to where he disappeared I was unaware. It was actually common for him to do so. Ever since he'd been following me around he'd leave for hours to some unknown place. I never asked him where he went, in fact, it was a break from his pestering. Although, it was interesting. Where did a ghost have to be? What could he possibly be doing in those hours?

I shook my head at my irrelevant thoughts, who cared where he left to? At least I could have a piece of mind.

Through the downpour of rain I could see two white buds of light nearing my house; it didn't take much reasoning for me to assume that they were the lights from a car. I bounded off my window seal and all but trampled down the stairs of my house and to the front door.

I threw the front door open a wide grin on my face as I watched my father's lean form slink out of his car, a briefcase in his hands and a suit jacket covering his body as he ran towards the door.

"Malani," My father greeted me as he made his way into the house. I was a daddy's girl, it wasn't as if I had much of a choice either. My mother had never taken it upon herself to be a part of my life and as to where she was, I did not know. There were times that I believed my father conjured me up all by himself, but my lack of even resembling him an ounce always drowned out that thought.

My father was a tall lean fellow with thick locks of golden blonde hair and bright hazel eyes; he was this luminous being practically shooting ultraviolet rays off of his presence. He was charismatic to say the least and it probably helped him with his profession as a lawyer that he was such an enthralling person. Someone so amiable could draw anyone into believing what they said as true. I was the complete opposite from him though.

Although I was lean like my father I was short, barely breaking even with five feet. I hadn't inherited his his golden hair or eyes. Instead I received raven black hair and eyes that were a dull ashen color that sometimes could be described as unique. The only thing I had in common with my father was my tawny complexion. His nose was long whilst mines was like a button, his eyes were cat-like while mines were almond shaped, his lips were thin and small and mines were bow shaped. All things considered as far as appearances went we were as different as day and night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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