Honey moon and home chapter 72

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Our trip was going to be three weeks and Curren has a surprise for me. The next day we finished packing giving our children to Curren's parents and then Ben driving us to the airport. We got our bags checked in and went to go through security, then sat down until our flight was called. "So i guess i can finally show you the honeymoon surprise now." Curren said after a while. "Ok what is it?" I asked him, hes been telling me the honeymoon is a surprise since 8 months ago when we finally set a date. "You know how we are going to dubai right?" He questioned. "Yeah, i cant wait." I said. "Well, i got us a tour guide who knows all the skate spots and we are going to have a skateboarding honeymoon." He said happily. "What really?" i whisper yelled happy. "Yeah, Ben and Louie where talking about the We Are Blood video a while ago and were listing all of the places they showed and i said to myself 'Dubai is an amazing place and has amazing skate spots' so i wet to Sean Malto and asked him if he knew any tour guides for skate spots in Dubai and he gave me a long list of names and so now here we are." He explaied. "YESSS!!!!!!!!" I yelled getting dirty looks from everyone around.

We got on the plane and i slept a lot of the time so Curren was most likely bored when i was sleeping. "Babe.' I herd and then someone was was shaking me. "Babeeeeee wake up, we're here." I herd Curren. "Mrs. Talia Caples come on wake up babe." I finally woke up and mostly everyone was already off the plane and there were a few people left not including the people working. "Lets go." I said grabbing my carry on and leading Curr off the plane. "Yes Mrs boss." He said i looked back and he was smiling. "Oh Caples boy." I said before we were off and going to the baggage claim. We finally got our bags and walked to a taxi and went to our hotel. "Our tour starts tomorrow and we can either go for four days a break then three days or we can have this week to ourselfs go all of next week then the third week to ourselfs." He explained to me. "We should go all of next week." I said before we got to our room and made ourselfs at home.

I fell asleep as soon as my head met the pillow on the bed and at some point Curren joined me on the bed for a nap the only reason i know is because he was laying with an arm around me when i woke up. I stayed laying on the bed until Curren finally woke up. the next week we just did normal relaxing things sightseeing and just had fun. "So tomorrow starts our skate trip." Curr said when he was sitting on the bed. "Yup, i cant wait to see the amazing places." I said brushing my hair. We went to go find a place to eat and then walked around a while and then when it got dark we went back to the hotel and i went to bed after changing.

"Babe, it time to get ready." I herd while being shaken. "What?" I asked with my eyes still closed. "Wake up, we need to leave soon to go skate." Curr said. With that i was up and in the bathroom in record time. "Wow that was fast babe." He said laughing. "Yeah well i haven't been skateboarding for a while so i really want to go." I said smiling then we went to get food and when we got back up we got our skateboards and Curren had an extra suitcase just for skateboards to give to the children and we then left.

-------------a week later-------------

"So was last week fun?" Curren asked me while we were laying in bed. "Yeah, the spots were amazing as well as the sights we saw." I said cuddling into his side. "So, what do you want to do this week?" I thought for a minute and said "Stay in the room for most of it?" I questioned. "Of course we can." He said and lets just say we stayed in the hotel room and "had fun" we did leave the room to get food and went outside to swim and hang out around the hotel too.

"Are you packed?" I asked Curren as i finishing brushing my hair. "Yes baby i am, are you?" He asked me. "Yup, so when is the flight, when do i get to see my babies?" I asked. "6:45, so we should go there around 5:30, what should we do?" He asked. "Do you have any product left?" I asked. "Yeah, go hand out the rest?" He asked me. "Of course, lets go." I said and with the suitcase we went to go outside. "Whats in that suitcase?" The guy at the front desk asked as we were walking by. "Skateboards." Curren said unzipping the suitcase while smiling. "What are you going to do with those?" He asked. "Hand them out to kids, we were doing it last week too." We handed out a lot but we still had like a dozen or so left. He nodded his head then said "have fun out there." Then we left.

We got back at around 4:30 and had an hour left so we decided to just grab all of our things and left to go to the airport early because we had nothing else to do.

"Babe, its tome to board the plane." Curren said, i guess i fell asleep. "Alright lets go." I said then when we got seated i fell back asleep and Curren let me sleep the whole ride which i then found out it was because he fell asleep right after me.

---------------after the plane ride--------------

It was late, really late as we drove down the street home, we were going to see the babies tomorrow. We left all the suitcases in the living room and went to bed. I woke up the next day at around noon and put all the suitcases where they should go, the closet or the laundry room, i put all of my clothes into the washing machine then left to put our skateboards and everything in our carry ons away. Curren walked into the kitchen after i got my clothes into the dryer and his clothes into the washing machine.

"Can we go get the babies now?" I asked him. "Did you do all the house work?" He asked when i turned around. "Yeah, so i can spend time with the babies." I said walking towards the door to put my shoes on. "Let's go get them now." He said putting his shoes on. We walked across the street and knocked on the door ass Peyton opened the door and let us in. We got to the living room and all of our friends jumped out and yelled "Welcome home." and the trips ran to us and lached onto my legs. "Hey babies." I said to them. "Hi mama." They said. "Dada." They then said and then lached onto Curren's legs.

"So lets party now." I said to all of our friends and family. We had fun then i took the trips home as Curren got all of their bags and we went home as one big family. The kitten Curren and I got before my accident on his birthday has been with us this whole time, but we barely notice Sprinkles because shes always sleeping or outside in the backyard playing with the trips and we do put food out for her ever time its empty. We put the babies to bed then watched tv until i fell asleep on the couch.

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