"Oh, just a greaser buddy o' mine."


"Yeah, those east side kids."

While he said that, Buck looked at me as if I was completely dumb.

"You really oughta have done your homework before coming around," he grinned.

As soon as I walked into school, people pointed at me and giggled. I rolled my eyes and continued walking, until a tall blond boy blocked my way.

"Hey there," he leaned down and breathed in my ear, only to be jerked back quickly by a furious looking redhead.

"Shit Cherry, just welcoming the new kid, man!"

The girl, Cherry, looked at me apologetically. "Sorry," she smiled. "He can get a little...out of control sometimes."

I grinned. "You can say that again."

Cherry laughed. "Hey, you should come hang with us at lunch."

"If I'm not too busy fending off people like him," I said, pointing in his direction, "then sure."

"Come on then, Bob," Cherry said, dragging the boy away. "See you later, new girl."

"Tammy," I said.

"Bye Tammy," Cherry smiled.

Walking to the cafeteria at lunch, I saw a tall, menacing looking student pinning a frightened, smaller boy against the wall. I couldn't stand bullies and I wasn't quiet about it either. I marched right up to the big kid and even though he was maybe a head and a half taller than me, I looked him hard in the eye.

"Lay off, will you?" I growled.

A look of shock crossed his face and then he scowled.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" he demanded crossly.

"Someone who clearly has enough sense to know you ain't doing something right," I retorted.

"Listen broad, nothing's right around here. Get used to it," he said angrily as he walked away.

I turned back to the kid he was threatening. He looked around fourteen or fifteen, at the most.
He had big black eyes and dark hair. Sort of like myself, I thought.

"You okay?" I inquired, offering my hand to help him stand up.

"Yeah, thanks," he said quietly. "Ain't nobody talk to Randy like that," he added.

"Oh? Give me a shout next time kid, I'm more than glad to punch a few lights out," I joked.

He smiled and shook my hand. "Johnny. Johnny Cade."

"Tammy Hicks."

"I gotta go," he said, turning. A friend was waiting for him by the door.

"See you around."

I sat down next to Cherry. A cute brunette was chatting animatedly with her. And beside the brunette was Randy.

"Hey," Cherry said, turning to me. "What did you do to poor old Randy over 'ere?"

I almost choked. "Poor old Randy? Poor my ass! He should know better than to go around jumping innocents!"

"Randy!" the brunette cried. "I told you to stop doing that!"

Randy threw his hands up in protest. "Marcia, I didn't do anything, I swear to God."

I scoffed.

"Were you going to? And don't lie to me," Marcia warned.

"I was," he admitted. "Before that bitch shook me off," he added quickly.

Marcia smiled at me. "Good work, new girl."

Ugh, why's everyone calling me that?!

"It's Tammy," I said, hiding my annoyance.

Turning to Cherry, I spoke. "So, uh, why'd Randy try to attack that kid?"

"Depends on who it was," she replied.

"His name's Johnny."
A wave of realization hit Cherry; I could see it on her face.

"Johnny's a greaser," she said so quietly that I had to strain to hear her.

Greaser? That word was so familiar. I mentally ran through my day. Getting up, dressing, eating, the car ride with Buck...
That's right! Buck had said his friend was a greaser, an east side kid.

Suddenly I turned to Cherry again. "Do you know a greaser named Dallas?" I asked.

Her pretty face ached with frustration. "Yes," she groaned. Realizing I'd hit a sensitive spot, I apologized profusely.

"It's alright." She leaned closer to me. "He's just not a good guy."
I wonder what she meant.

Tuff Chaser (The Outsiders FF)Where stories live. Discover now