The Styles Twins.

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Ugh, school. It was my first day back to high school, and I was not ready. Not ready as in literally, not ready to deal with the bitches at school, and of course, not ready to face Marcel. Or Harry, for that matter, but what I did still haunts me after 4 months. Which is why I was not ready to face the Styles twins.

*one year ago*

'oh my god, have you seen the Styles twins yet? Their the new talk at school right now!' whispered Cece as I entered the hallways, on the first day of school.

'uh, I haven't seen them yet. Why, are they like, really hot or something? 'Pffft yeah, Harry is. But well... I guess you can call Marcel average..'

'but didn't you say they were twins? They are both supposed to look the same, not one a flame while the other is the gas.'

'well, Harry is like this totally hot guy with hot really hair and a wonderful sense in fashion, while Marcel.. He is like, kinda dorky. Big glasses, side parted hair, nerdy clothes. OH OH LOOK, IT'S HARRY!'

I looked in the direction she was pointing, and I had to admit, she didn't joke when she said he was hot. Those brown curls above the emerald eyes made my heart stop for a second, and as I felt his eyes look into mine, even from a distance, I saw a hint of a smile. And this way, I knew this year was going to be different and amazing

Those Twins. (Harry styles/ Marcel fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora