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I try not to sleep. Sleeping brings dreams, and dreams become nightmares. Everybody worries, but I still can't sleep. Sleep brings flashes of yellow, that spirited laugh, and that bright ginger hair. I try not to sleep.

Whenever I eat, I think of him. The enormous amounts of sustenance he required everyday or else he would d-. I stopped myself. No, Dick. I reprimanded myself. That's not the type of stuff I should think about. I run a hand through my long unkempt hair. I hear a loud knock.

It's Tim. I move to shut the door, but he sticks his foot in between the frame and the door.

"Dick." He says quietly. "You need to sleep." I shake my head and walk back to my kitchen. "Listen to me. This isn't healthy." Tim calls as he follows me through the apartment. I ignore him, and sit at the table, the cereal I had prepared days earlier sitting untouched. Tim looked around. "Dick, you can't live like this. When was the last time you went shopping." Tim walked over to the fridge. "This milk expired three weeks ago!" Tim cried out.

"Still tastes fine." I say hoarsely. Tim turns with an indignant splutter.

"When was the last time you drank out of it?" I shrugged and got up.

"If that's all, I would like you to leave." Tim glared. He reached into his pocket and leaped forward. On an average day, fully rested and healthy, I could beat this kid to the ground. But I was not fully rested I thought as he shoved me to the ground and shoved something into my mouth.

"Sleep goddamnit!" He yelled, pinching my nose and jabbing my throat, forcing me to swallow. Almost instantly, I could feel myself getting drowsy. I panicked, sluggishly waving my arm at Tim. "I'm so sorry, Dick. But you need to sleep!" Those were the words I heard as I fell asleep.

Cold, very very cold. And windy. Why was it so windy? Flashes of red and yellow. Circling. Running. Light. Not windy. Flash. And Impulse. Someone is missing. Artemis. She's crying. Why is she crying. Everyone looks sad. Why are they sad? "It's my fault." Impulse said over and over. What's his fault? What is wrong? I don't understand. I see Artemis, Barry, Bart, but where is-

"Wally!" I scream as I jolt up, Tim falling backwards at my sudden awaken. I feel that my face is wet, sobs forcing themselves past my lips. Tim reaches out a hand, before thinking better of it. A small pat and he left the room, prepared to comfort me when I needed him. I needed Wally right now, just to hear him. I scrambled for my cellphone, before punching in the phone number by heart. It rang seven times, as usual, before it hit voicemail.

"Hello! You have reached Wally West's phone. Sorry I'm not here, but leave a message after the beep and I'll call you in a flash. Ugh, forget I said that." A small beep pierced the air and I called again, and again, and again. Just to hear him one more time.

Oh my. This one is really short. Sorry about that. But this was a spur of the moment type of chapter, I hoped to get it done before I forgot or just got plain lazy. Anyway, please enjoy, and leave suggestions for future chapters!

Requested by @GirlMeetsLarkle

Young Justice one-shots(BluePulse and BirdFlash and maybe one or two others...)Where stories live. Discover now