Chapter five

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The drawing above is Zenith. Hot, isn't he? Again, I do not own any of the pictures I post. All credit goes to the creators of the pictures. :D But he is still hot.

July 15, 2958

I have asked Ajax if I could draw him today. As usual, he refused. He never allows me to draw him. He said he prefers that no one knows what he looks like. I don't know what he means by that. He also told me he has the ability to see into the future, but he can't really see much. That's odd considering the rest of us only have one special ability, besides not aging.

I started crying after Ajax refused. Why does he not like me? Well, I know that actually isn't true, but I am so upset. Anyway, I told Zenith what happened and he told me that I could draw him instead. I was so happy. Zenith never lets me draw him either.

I stare at the drawing of Zenith. He is very beautiful. But I can't shake the sense of familiarity.
I flip to another page.

August 12, 3006

I am so sad. My love, Cole and I may not be able to be together. He will grow old and die, while I will stay the same. Eventually I will die, but I will come back. I have drawn a picture of Cole and I. I showed it to him earlier, and he told me it's beautiful just like me. No one else makes me feels this way, but it is only temporary.

I have begged Lilli for hours, asking for her to make Cole a Divine Being, but she refuses. She said that love is only temporary, and I will realise that soon. I told her that is bullshit, because she has Zenith, and he is Immortal, but she still refuses.

I fear that one day Cole will die, and it will be my fault for not begging hard enough. But I know that it isn't Lilli's fault. The curse has taken ahold of her, and made her mad, just like Zenith. Perhaps that is why they love each other so, is because they are both mad. But Zenith is naturally mad. Lilli isn't. I hope that one day her curse will be lifted. I hope it happens soon, so that Cole and I may be together forever. It is my one wish.

Woah. This is really weird. What curse is she talking about? Who is Cole?

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