Memories ( a poem for the 9-11 victims)

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  • Dedicated to To the 9-11 victims

We all know what happened that dreadful day,

Our parents knew what was happening, we did not,

Two twins stood tall for us, but didn't stay ,

Lives taken away from loved ones,

Screams and crying is what that day gave to us,

A life that was taken away from you,

What we once loved and held dear to us is gone,

Twin towers put up a fight, trying to win,

But past all that dreadfulness was some help,

Not al the live were lost,

God put his power out for them wanting them all to live,

There is some goodness in the world,

The lost are in peace now,

Remember the day we won the second world war,

God was there lending a helping hand,

We have always had a helping hand from him,

The lives that were lost are in every ones heart,

We hold not hatred in our hearts, but sorrow and loss,

But push the sadness away,

Hold you head up for they are with you,

From their child growing up,

To their lover sleeping alone,

We remember our hero's of 9-11,

No one dares to forget that dreadful day,

When our twin towers fell,

We keep the love of our lovers inside your hearts,

Memories last a long time so we won't forget,

Our beloved land we call America,

From the day we called ourselves a country, we fought our own battles,

Today is the day we make hell disappear,

A day to remember the dead men and women of 9-11,

Remember the dead always,

God bless you all.


This poem is made for this day and only that. please let them be in your prayers tonight. i am not a person who lost someone during this tragic day, i am just one person trying to put a message out there. love you all!

<3 grimalkin

Memories ( a poem for the 9-11 victims)Where stories live. Discover now