2. Welcome to Camp Harley

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We turned into the entrance of the camp and I read a sign above us that said, "Welcome to Camp Harley!" I just thought to words run away and I also thought I hope the food is good.

My mom parked and I didn't want to get out. My mom smiled and said,
"I know your nervous, but don't worry. It'll be great."
"I'm not nervous, I just don't want to be hear," I claimed.
"It'll be fine and i know that when it's over you won't want to leave. You'll have made many friends and great memories. I promise camp will be fun and since this is it's first year, the will trying to impress."
"I'm not going."
"Astrid, we're here and you are going."

She gets out the car and pulls out my stuff. She starts walking to the main building and I follow her inside.

My mom leaves me. I go into mu cabin and I see other girls talking. The cabin leader saw me and said,
"Hi, what's your name?"
"I'm Astrid Johnson," I said.
"I like your name."
"Thank you."
"I'm Marley and you can pick any empty bed," I walk over to the first empty bed I see, "we'll be eating in a half an hour."
"Okay, thank you Marley," I smiled. I pick the bed in the middle of the cabin and I got myself situated. A girl bounced on the bed next to me. She was reading a book. When I actually looked at the cover I saw she was reading "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli, my favorite book.

"I love that book," I commented. She looked up confused and I repeat, "I love that book."
"Yeah, that's my favorite book."
"Cool! I think it might soon be my favorite too."
"Where are you in the book?"
"I just started today. Stargirl is so fascinating."
"I know right!"
"I'm Anna," she reaches out to shake my hand.
"Nice to meet you Anna, I'm Astrid," I shake her hand.

Anna comtinues reading while I pull out one of the books I packed. I pull out "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell; she is my favorite author. Anna is a fast reader compared to me. It takes me a life time to finish one book, but I don't mind unless the book is boring, then I will just abandon it.

Anna has blonde, short hair that freely lives on her head. She is wearing a shirt I think she customized herself because it is a collage of awesome books, tv shows, bands, foods, funny pics, and more. I want her shirt! I want her shoes! They're Star Wars vans. This girl is a queen.

Lunchtime comes and Marley shows the cafeteria and how it works. I get food and sit at an empty table. Anna and another girl sit down right across from me.

"Hello, I'm Hayden," the purple haired girl sitting next to Anna introduces herself.
"I'm Astrid," I said, "cool hair."

We eat and I learn about them and how they are friends back at home and their hobbies. Anna is a middle child with a younger sister and an older brother. Hayden has an older brother headed for college. He's going to EMU.

After lunch Marley takes bsck to the cabin to use the restrooms and rest a little until the events start. Hayden sits down on the end of my bed and Anna sits on her own.

"What's your favorite show?" Hayden asked.
"I love many. There is Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. There's Doctor Who, Friends, Supernatural, Bones, Psych, and plenty more." I said.
"We were meant to become friends because I love thoses shows! I also love Glee, Freaks and Geeks, and some other omes that can't come to mind right now."
"I totally forgot about Glee and Freaks and Geeks."

Benedict Cumberbatch is perfect. Nothing else to say. He is perfect.

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