Hell I've been to jail!

Then I've been checking on Malaia everyday and so has Damion.

He loved her so much.

Seoul's freeloaders had to get out of my house.. as well.

And..I'm ranting—again.

"Hey Asada.."

"Xavier. What do you want?"

"I came to warn you.."

"If this is about Damion you're wasting your time."

"No, it's about those two people in your house—the house that used to be our home—"

I raised my hand to stop it, right there.

"Until you finally broke me.. Get whatever you have to say out now.."

"Not now. Later, at—Lincoln Park. You and Damion both need to be there."

"Why should I trust a man that won't even take care of his own flesh and blood?"

"Because.. it's me, a man you once loved. I was sick, and I'm slowly healing and changing. Please."

You're a weak bitch, if you agree.

Don't even hesitate, Asada.

"Fine..what time?"


"Three o'clock today, by the red bench."

Consequently, that's Damion and I's spot.

"You better not be lying or else I'm going to kill you. That's a fucking promise Xavier."

His head dropped shamefully, "I understand."



I was asleep and I recognized Asada's voice.

She had my key,
so it couldn't be anyone else.

Maybe if I closed my eyes tighter she'd either go away or come lay in my bed and let me hold her..

As unmanly it sounded; being with Asada was and is where I feel most  safe..

Soon I felt Asada straddle me,

"Damiooon wake up."

I wasn't going to wake up until she started to rock back and forth on my lower half.

"I can feel you babe.."

I gripped her hips, my eyes fluttered open and what I witnessed was—unrealistic, blissful, and unbelievable.

Waking up to Asada was the number one thing that I want to get used to.

"Hey Baby.."

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