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Astraea peered around and noticed that she had been placed, not so carefully, onto a dark bed in an old looking bedroom. Before she could take anything else in there was a sudden cough and realised she had carelessly fallen asleep the previous night. "Who are you?" She then noticed the two extremely attractive men standing by the closed door. Damon and Stefan.

"Um, my name is Sarah," Astraea replied cautiously. They couldn't know her real name, well, they could, just not Klaus. "With a h." Acting human was discovered to be rather difficult.

Tall, dark and handsome looked at his sibling strangely while the other, out of sheer politeness, refrained from reacting in such a way. "What the hell were you doing outside our door at 11 o'clock last night?" The ruder of the two replied-which could've offended Astraea, if only she cared.

The rude one had piercing blue eyes that almost glowed, dark black shaggy yet perfect hair and a shorter frame than the other. His sibling had kinder features, soft blue eyes and light brown hair that was formed into a quiff.

"I d-don't know, I remember walking aimlessly because I got kicked out of my home. Someone was walking towards me and after that it's almost as if a chunk of my memory was removed." If she was going to get this done, she had to play it all out perfectly and keep her heartbeat steady. She had to do everything while maintaining a perfect American accent, that differed from her usual British, and look completely different."I don't suppose it would be too rude to ask if I could possibly stay here for a while? Just until I find somewhere else to stay."

"Yes" "No" They both replied at the exact same time before glaring at each other. "Of course you can stay Sarah." The nice one replied before introducing the two. "I'm Stefan and this is my brother Damon." So Damon is the hot yet rude one and Stefan is the nice and hot one. As luck has it Astraea happens to like the bad boys, lucky Elena.

'Sarah' hesitates before realising that if she is to pretend to be a human for at least a day then she has to go to school. "What time is it?" She questions, already fed up with pretending to be helpless and innocent.

Already knowing the time, Damon replies. "7:30 in the morning and I'm assuming you need to be in school today. Stefan will take you." Stefan went to the local high school which Astraea already knew.

There was a silence as a rather pretty blonde girl entered the room they were all in. If that's who Astraea thinks it is then there may be a change of plan. "Sarah with a h this is Rebekah, Rebekah this is Sarah." Damon introduces the two blondes. There was definitely a change of plan needed.

Without thinking, Astraea sprinted out of the bedroom, not using vampire speed, and exited the house-after putting on her ring-leaving all three vampires inside astounded. With Rebekah in the house there was no need for a disguise now. All she needed now was a dramatic introduction and Astraea knew just what to do.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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