Chapter 26

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I groaned as my alarm went off and reached over to shut it off. Shit, it was Monday already? Where did the weekend go?

Slowly, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. The first thought that popped into my head was milk and there was no way in hell I was getting a glass because I was lazy as hell.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Dads yelled and bear hugged me.

I nearly spat out the milk and dropped the carton all in the same moment.

"Help. You're crushing my will to live." I said and gasped for air.

Dads let go of me after nearly killing me.

"Can I stay home as I birthday present?" I asked.

"Of course not. You still have to be tortured by school even on your birthday." My father chuckled.

"Here, you can open one present now and the rest later." Dad said and handed me the present.

"If it's not a car or a motorcycle, you both will be declared the worst dads in history." I said and opened it.

Inside the box was a picture of me as a baby and a blond woman holding me up to kiss my cheek. Under the picture was a letter with my name on it.

"Is this woman my mom?" I asked as I took the picture out of the box.

"Yeah. She wanted to give this to you for your eighteenth birthday but she couldn't be here for it." My father said with a sad smile.

I let out a sigh and put the picture back in the box. "Thanks dads."

I hugged both of them and then went upstairs to get ready for school. After I ate breakfast and said goodbye to my dads, I got in my car and drove to Julia's house.

Jules rushed out of the house with a huge birthday bag in hand and got in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BITCH!" They said and hugged me tight, giving me a little punch in the arm after.

"Thanks, Jules." I chuckled.

"Here, open this."

I tore away at it to pull out a thick scrapbook with a picture of Jules and I playing in my backyard as kids when we were little. Each page was delicately crafted and full of pictures from the past. It was all the years of friendship that I had with them.

"It took me about three months but it was worth it. Your dads gave me a ton of embarrassing baby pictures for this too." They smiled.

"This is amazing and I love it. Thanks Jules." I said and hugged them.

"You're my best friend, I'd do anything for you."

"Now, off to hell!"


School was boring for the most part but everyone kept wishing me a happy birthday. I couldn't believe that I was a legal adult! I could actually get a tattoo and stuff now!

I walked into English with Jules and sat down. The rest of the class quickly piled in and all fell silent when my father walked in.

"I know that this isn't a history course but today is a very important moment in history. Eighteen years ago today, my son Charlie was born." He smiled.

Everyone clapped and said happy birthday to me.

"Thank you for further embarrassing me, Dad." I said.

"That's my job."

The day progressed on and eventually school got out. I dropped Jules at their house and then went home myself.

"Charlie, you have college mail." Dad said as soon as I walked in the door.

I looked at the letter and saw it was one from Matheson, a school for filmmaking that I had applied to.

Okay, I had a little secret. I was a huge nerd for making films. I didn't really talk about it because I didn't want to be called a huge nerd. My dream was to be a director even though I knew that was a tough field. But I still wanted to try.

"Dads, its a small letter, I'm scared." I said anxiously.

"You'll never know until you open it." My father told me.

I let out a shaky breath and ripped open the letter. My heart stopped as I scanned over the words quickly. This was it.

"I got in." I said with a smile.

"Congrats, honey." Dad hugged me tight. "We're so proud of you."

"Now you just have to commit to a school." My father said and hugged me too.


My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out seeing that it was Ian calling. I rushed upstairs to my room and closed the door.

"Why hello there." I answered as I plopped down on my bed.

"Happy birthday, baby." He said, making me smile.

"Thank you."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Probably just staying in my room. My dads said we're not celebrating until the weekend so we can have family over."

"You should sneak out and come over. I do have to give you your present after all."

"What did you get me?" I smiled devilishly.

"I can't spoil anything. It's a surprise."

"There are just so many possibilities."

"I'll be waiting. Text me when you're on your way."

"I will."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up with a sigh. I wonder what Ian had planned.

The Insanity Of Loving You (boyxboy) {Book Two of the Insanity Of... Series}Where stories live. Discover now