*Find Him*

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Here I am thinking to myself
If I jump down this building
Will I die?
Strange but I feel I won't
How will I know if I don't jump?
Maybe I should try?
What happens if I die
Will I regret my decision?
Will I wish I didn't?
After all I am a bloody sinner
If I jump down
I'd fall with a splat
Break some bones
Lose a lot of blood maybe
Lose oxygen
Feel my breath leave me
Feel unimaginable excruciating pain
Maybe die
Will death save me?
Will I be free from the
Initial pain and sadness
That drove me to run to its arms?
You know what?
I won't jump
I'll stay here on this edge
Ponder on how to redeem
Do I know who I am?
I mean have I discovered
Who I am meant to be?
I am not a weakling
I am strong 💪
Says who? Says me!
The one who created me
Sure knows he made me for
A great purpose
I matter to him
My creator defines who I am
I don't know him
But I know he exists
I will find him
When I do
I believe I will be saved.

The Way I AmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora