The brisk wind hits my face, and brushes past me, and I see the bushes rustle and a camera lens pokes out. They really need to be more descreet about these kinds of things. I flash a smile and the guy looks up at me, as though he thought he was invisible. I laugh and keep running through the breeze that seems to be carrying me away with it. 

I run so far that I am in the city, stopping by the cafe I try to stop by whenever I go out for a run. 

"Hey Adam!" the barista calls to me. 

"Hey Carrie. Let's get the usual today." I say, knocking on the counter, and handing them my card. 

"Not feeling very adventureous today?" she says. 

"Yeah. It's just been a hard-ish week. I just need my usual, please." I slide my sunglasses up on my head, and she smiles at me. 

"Ok. I won't ask." she makes my coffee and grabs my spinach wrap, and gives them to me. 

"Is my table open?" I ask.

"Yep. Right over there. Right near the window like always." 

"Thanks." I sit down at my table and eat my normal breakfast, my legs getting the familiar ache that they normally do when I sit down after a run. My morning routine is the only concrete thing in my life right now. But, I push those thoughts out of my mind as I eat the rest of my bagel and drink the rest of my coffee. 

Kristy's POV

I go out to the driveway, grinning as Alex's car pulls into the driveway. I can't wait for this roadtrip. He pops the trunk open for me and helps me with my bag, pulling me into a tight hug. I smile at him, and go back to the porch.

"I will call you as soon as we get into town. Ok, Papa?" his cheeks are red, and he doesn't look me in the eyes.

"Yes. That's fine." he finally looks up at me, and he smiles.

"Thank you for letting me go on this trip. Papa. I love you." I hug him. 

"I love you to the moon and back, sweetie." I stiffen in his arms, remembering my mother's words that she used to utter to me ever night before I went to bed, "I got a snack bag for you." 

"Thanks, Papa." I smile. 

"And there's some money stashed away somewhere in your bag or on your body for you to spend on souvieners and whatever else." 

"I bet it's in my phone case." I slide my phone away from my case and there is the money, nestled tightly. 

"Good guess." my dad kisses my cheek, and I hug him one more time before heading to sit in the front seat that is already reserved for me. 

Then, we are off to L.A. the first roadtrip that I have taken without my Papa. I smile at the thought, and look at Alex.

"How've you been?" I ask, softly since Kelsey is asleep in the backseat.

"I've been ok. Chelsea, my girlfriend, dumped me last week I think. I didn't want to tell anybody because I didn't want to get fake sympathy. Plus, it's not the greatest. Getting dumped by a girl that you gave you're whole heart to."  He looks at me quickly, and shrugs.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I know how special she was to you." I never had anybody special like that. Except Cam.

"How did you get through it?" he looks at me now, his eyes so prodding and ready to absorb any information that I can give.

"I cried for a while. I told you guys. Then, I ate a tub of ice cream and told myself that after a midnight showing of "The Notebook" that I would not let myself think about it anymore. And I didn't."

"It must be easy. To make a promise to yourself."

"Not really. I mean, there is so much that you just want to forget because you don't want to deal with it. But, there are some things that you have to face."

"How philisopichal of you." he jokes.

"I try." I smile back and we spend the whole ride like this. With us, joking back and forth. Laughing, and putting the top down on his convertible, and having my hair blow with the wind. Perfect, and breathtaking at the same time.

Adam's POV

After my morning run, I hop into the shower, washing away all of the sweat that has settled on my skin. The hot water steams around me, making my own little moisture cloud. As I start to shampoo my hair, I think of something. A song, that we preformed.

 "Sunday morning, rain is falling," I start to  sing, instincitvely, "Steal some covers share some skin. Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable, you twist to fit the mold that I am in." It makes me think of April. The way she would lay next to me in bed, and I would sing it softly to her until we both fell asleep, "But, things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do, and I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew, that someday it would bring me back to you. That someday it would lead me back to you." 

I turn off the shower, and I wrap a towel around my waist, wiping the foggy glass with one hand, and looking at myself in the mirror. The tattoos that cover my body seem to glisten with the water that has seemed to bead up over them. I smile, and open the door to leave the bathroom. Another day, with the band that is a sensation everywhere, and another day with a super popstar and his broken heart. 

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