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The world can be broken down into themes
If only to simplify it for the human mind, so it doesn't get too overwhelmed
The world is black and white
good and bad
Love and hate
Dark versus light
But every now and then, there's a flash of something else
a flash of grey
a flash of human
love is often mistaken for lust
Sometimes no good choice exists
Sometimes to not feel, to not think is the only choice
Sometimes the only choice is to feel, to live the moment no matter what it might wring from the world
Sometimes the dark snuffs out the light, if only because no one dared to whisper over it to give the fleeting flame air
sometimes no matter what you do someone gets hurt
Even rarer still, there's flashes of color
Flashes of realness
Sometimes people do good things to even when evil is all they have known
Sometimes people love so strongly they get killed by what they love
Human Nature dictates that we each look after ourselves and ours
But aren't we all human?
Don't we all feel?
Is there not the argument that all of the selfishness in our incurably human hearts should band us together?

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