High School "Daddy": Short Fanfic

Start from the beginning

I started to breathe a little heavier, looking behind me to see the glass window of the door still covered with paper, and the door locked, as usual. 'This is happening' I though to myself, as he pulled my chin towards him to a direct eye contact.

"It's just us here...just us relieving your tension," he managed to finally slip my leggings down to my ankles and without leaving my face, got them past my sneakers, which I ended up slipping off right then. I'm sitting there in my pink plaid thong, almost thankful I shaved last night.

Mr. Horste's breathe started to dense as well, his hands returning back to my thighs. This time, I placed my hands on top of his, which are seemingly half the size. I stare down at them, and watch his grip tighten, "Look at me," he states firmly, as I glare up at him, withiut moving my head, "I am your daddy. And you are my baby girl. You're going to do exactly what I say...okay?" Our eye contact never unlocked as I repeated.

"Okay." My voice was almost quivering. Daddy? He called himself...my daddy? Thats almost kind of...hot. I watched that smirk turn into a full smile, as he stood up from his chair, spreading my legs as he gradually kneeled onto the floor. The desk was the perfect height for something like this.

His breath on the inside of my thighs gave me goose bumps, and got worse as he slowly kissed his way up to more sensative areas. His grip loosened on one hand, has he took it and slowly wrapped it around the string to my thong, pulling it clear out of the way. He looks up at me for the slightest second, and gently places his mouth over my clit, sucking the slightest. I get a whole body shiver and let out a quiet moan. Definitely can feel his smile form between my lips, as he then runs his tongue slowly up ending with a kiss on my clit, and quickly replaces the motion with a finger. "You're really wet," he states in a deep, sweet voice. All I can manage right now is a nod and a sigh as I watch his calmed face concentrate on sliding a single finger into my wet pussy, "seriously tight, too," he sighs out. There was a spark in his eye, which almost made me concerned.

"Do you like it...daddy?" I asked, trying to play along with the theme. I've read about the daddy dom kink before...if you don't obey 'daddy', then you supposably get punished. I saw instantly that my question made him light up and smile, yet again, this time closing his eyes and sighing.

"I do, baby girl...I really do," he breathed quieter, sliding another finger into my tight pussy, sending me into a quick and short gasp, gripping the edge of the desk. I had squeezed my eyes shut, but I felt him look at my hands, and back up at me, the smile fading into complete concentration. His fingers ran smoothly in and out of me, over and over. I can feel myself getting more and more wet, and my quiet breathing sighs and moans are endless. His other hand was removed from my thigh, and used it to aquaintenced his other hand. While he slid his fingers in and out of my tight pussy, he started to curcle his thumb around my clit. My muscles tensed, and I can't stop myself from breathing super heavily.

'This is happening. This is really really happening' is all I could think to myself. My body hasen't felt this good in such a long time. His lips made their way back down and started to flick his tongue on my wet clit, fingers still pulsing in and out of me, pausing occastionally to rub my g-spot, "Oh my god," was the only thing I could breath out between faint moans, "Yes" I started to whisper over and over, as he flicked his tongue a little faster, and started to add some sucking and kissing. "I want to suck your cock, daddy" I demanded, without even thinking. Holy shit, after 3 years of thinking it, it's totally okay to say it!

Mr.Horste stopped and leaned back, rubbing his mouth with his sleeve, staring at me in an almost-shock, yet still stood up. He guided my hands to undo his pants. I paused for a second to slowly rub the massive bulge trapped behind his jeans. He let out a gentle sigh, and I finally pulled down his jeans and boxers, just enough to reveal the monsterous cock that slid right into my hands. After all this time, I never expect him to be this big! He's gotten to be at least 9-10 inches, and extremely thick, "Go a head baby girl, daddy's cock is yours," his voice rang excitedly as he tucked some hair behind my ear.

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