Ch. 2-Hurt Feelings

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Song: Sad Song For Broken Hearts

Strong self harm and suicidal feelings, but they're written so you can skip. (It's not pleasant so I've marked it in asterisks) <3

This story is only upsetting for the first few chapters but will warm up I promise ^_^

"Oh sweetie, I'm Mettaton!"

He looks at me, the exposed pink glassy eye twinkling. What. Kind. Of. Joke. Is. This.
"No you're not." I snap, staring daggers right into the imposter's heart.
"Oh, gorgeous, you need a little proof?" He winks, and begins fiddling with the heart belt. After removing it, he shows me the construction number. Exactly identical to that on the top of my old robot friend. I still don't trust him.
"You could have kidnapped him and stole that." I spat those words like venom. I am furious. How dare this... This CLOD impersonate a potentially dead friend?
"Oh cutie, if I had have never been the Mettaton you know, how do I remember you? I know every message you sent me, every laugh we had on our little day out, all of it." He giggled, placing a manicured hand gently on his perfect lips. I sit. Staring. Mind whirring. I can't believe it. No way is this gorgeous robot my old monster sweetie.
"Hey... Um, maybe you'd like to meet up tomorrow and talk about things?" Meekly, I try to suggest certain ideas. I need to help him.
"I'd love to!" He pouts playfully, and interlaces his own fingers together. During the session, all the girls admire him, but one thing really does make my heart wrench. That one person. Who made him go through this. She's now acting like it never happened. Flirting, hitting on him, everything.
The session draws to an end, and I get a little tap on the shoulder.
It's Mettaton.
"___, I'm going to have to cancel our day out tomorrow. I'm meeting with this lovely woman." I follow his arm down, and it leads to his hand, locked with the fingers of that same girl who mocked him.
"How about another day?" I barely even have time to say that. He turns his back to me and begins strutting off.
"Oh, sorry, I'm a busy man bot now, I have my lady." He waves me off over his shoulder as if I'm a piece of rubbish. Again. He's left me in a state of shock. And not a good kind.
Thank you Mettaton. Not.
When I got home, I was expecting to get a friendly 'Hey how are you?' From Mettaton. But I didn't. That's out of the ordinary. We always message each other and ask about our feelings, but I just guess that isn't important to him anymore. Like he said, he's busy now. However, the way he said it... It was rather chilling. Almost as if he just wanted me gone. Like I never meant anything to him.
A week passed. No contact with Mettaton. He's happy now... Happy without me. He never cared, it's obvious. If I really meant anything to him, he would have messaged me at least once. But no. He's so full of himself. At first I was glad he had confidence, but now he's just a cocky prick.
Tuesday was here far too quickly. I have to attend that group. I have to go all the way to that place, just to be slammed down by nasty words, cold shoulders and smarmy remarks. Absolutely fantastic.
Walking into the room, I instantly spot Mettaton holding hands with her. The only free chair is next to that vicious girl.
Nervously sitting down, I tug at my sleeves, making sure they wouldn't ride back. She was watching. Nudging the robot, her hand was over her mouth, laughing.
"Look how pathetic she is!" Her whispers were barely audible, but I heard them. My eyes struggle to hold in the tears as thy well up in the corners.
Mettaton chuckled. "Oh darling, she sure isn't pretty!" As soon as I heard his android voice say those words, a tear drops onto my leg.
"Now she's crying, how weak is she?" The blonde girl snickers, pointing.
I couldn't take any more torment. I stood up abruptly and sped out of the room, knocking my chair over in the process. I sprinted home, chest rasping for air in the mean time. I didn't bother stopping, I was far too heartbroken to do so. I needed to vent by running. Even that wasn't enough, as I still felt ripped apart when I reached the door. I scrambled hopelessly to the bedroom, and collapsed on my bed, crying.

*** Self Harm Warning ***

As soon as I slumped into the sheets, I knew what I needed to do. I felt compelled to hurt myself, just to let out the anger built up. I turn onto my side, stretched over to the bedside cabinet, and fumbled around for the razor. Pen. Pencil. Bracelets. Bandage. That's a... I don't know what that is, probably a hair accessory. Naming the items I brush my hand against, I finally come to my steel blade. Perfect.
I smile weakly, teeth chattering as tears roll down my cheek. Tugging the silver onto my skin, it makes new marks, and disturbs older ones. All red, none the less. They dribble out, beading at the initial slits. It stung, but made me feel a hell of a lot better. Once I had finished cutting, I wrapped my wrist in a white bandage. I could see the blood soak into the cotton, turning it pinkish colour in places. Sighing, I wiped away the last of my tears, and climb into my comfy bed.

*** Self Harm Over ***

It wasn't soon before I drifted off into a deep sleep. It felt better than anything has ever done before. It was absolutely heaven. Alas, I was awoken by my asshole of a phone.
Ring Ring. Unknown Number
Oh fuck off.
Ring Ring. Unknown Number.
Please leave me the fuck alone.
Ring Ring. Same Number.
Fine I'll give up my precious sleep for whoever you are. However, it took less than a second to hang up like lightning. I recognise that voice from anywhere.
It's Mettaton.

After slamming the phone down, I receive a few more calls, sequentially. But they tended to have stopped calling after a few missed calls.
Again. It's Tuesday. Time for abuse.
Gingerly, I peek into the room. Everyone was there. His girlfriend looked absolutely vomit worthy.. She appeared to have been dragged through bushes and slapped 1000 times by reality. In other words, she was as rough as guts. I was aching to call his number and ask what's wrong, but I decide against it. Besides, he left me. I don't need that In my life. I realise it is time to forget him. He's also been very depressed, like that of the time when he was a mere cuboid robot. But I am not helping. He threw me away like a piece of rubbish. I've been wondering if he was okay. Hope so. No matter the treatment. I love my Metta, and I will endeavour to protect him. Well, I will, when he realises I cared about him all along.

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