I dashed down the halls until I reached this corner when I got around the corner I fell backwards. When I looked up I saw a man he was looking straight at me and I looked in his brown eyes and notice how strongly built he was and saw how he had dark brown hair and his hair tips pointing in two directions like a wolf.

He gazed into my eyes with wonder why I was here and who was I too. I was wondering the same. I felt this feeling inside me like I knew him very long ago. Finally the man and woman made up to me and I can tell they were tired because of their panting and were still sleepy.

Then the man walked over to me he pinned me against the wall and I couldn't get away from the position where he pulled his arm back and out came these claw like swords and put them by my face. He whispered in my ear and said "Its not nice to go into homes and make noise when everyone is asleep." He said with a little growl in his voice.

At that point I closed my eyes so he can get it over with and I felt a tear come down my check because I know this is how it ends.

Logans P.O.V.

I put my hand by her face and notice a tear fell out of her eye and roll down her face. I felt this feeling inside of me. Was it guilt to kill a young girl like her, was it that I knew who she was. I studied her face for a moment, she had dirty blonde hair with round checks, she was short, the top of her head reaches up to the bottom of my nose. I noticed she was breathing faster and I could hear clearly that her heart was pounding hard. I paused and stared at her, there was something about her I feel like I know her. She started to open her eyes slowly but still scared.

"Logan don't hurt her." It was professor X. I backed off and she just stood there frozen, staring around the room looking at all of the children that were surrounding the professor.

Jean walked over to the young girl and stick a needle in her arm and she passed out. Jean told me to come over and carry her to the lab and lay her on the table. When I picked her up I noticed that she was very light. When we got to the lab, I laid her down on the table and all once she was making faces and starting to groan. We scanned her for any injures or any broken bones, nothing showed. Professor X came he started to read her thoughts and finally she started to have a memory.

She woked up really fast panting hard, Jean came over and handed her a cup of water. She slowly and cautiously took the water a drank some of it. She looked around the room searching if there would be a threat somewhere in the room then see laid eyes on me and stared at me for a few minutes and broke off and looked at the professor.

Bella P.O.V.

I looked at the professor and he smiled. I asked what just happen, he laughed a little and looked at me with a smile. He told that I saw a memory of me and Logan a very long ago. Logan gasped and we both stared at each other.

We went to this room, me and Logan both Sat down in a chair next to each other. The professor asked if Logan and I were ready, Logan asked if it was safe, the professor said he didn't know but he did know he had a healing factor. He grinned and we closed our eyes.

It was in the afternoon, me and my mother were at a shop my mom told to me to wait outside till she was done getting the ingredients for the bakery. I was looking at the sky and I was trying to use my imagination to make them look like different objects but it was no use. I guess it was because of my age. I was walking around trying to get in different perspective and position to look at the sky. Then it hit me, a man ran into me on accident. I looked into his eyes while he gazed into my eyes. He was nervous and started saying sorry multiple times. He helped me up and I started forgiving him. I asked his name and how old he was, Logan Howlett and age 22. I told him my name, Isabella Holister and age 19. I asked if he would like to come down to my parents bakery and have some of the good stuff before they were all out. He agreed and asked what time, 2:30.

Hours later

He knocked at the door and I answered with a come in. He came in when I was pulling the fresh baked cookies that I made for him. I had him a glass of cold milk and the plate of cookies and grabbed myself a glass and joined him. When we finished he had a smile plastered over his face and said thank you for the cookies.

Ever since that we hanged out all the time we grown this strong love between each other. Till the one day when Logan was going to the army, I packed him a sandwich and with some jams that he liked the most and gave him my word that if he came bake she would make him a meal he loved and if he didn't she would choose to go into convent and wait for her time to come. I kissed him good bye.

She waited months for his return when the ship came back she didn't him she looked for some of his friends but she saw no sign of him. Later that night, she was on her bed crying wanting Logan. Her mother came in asking to go out and meet the man that would be giving them their ingredients for the shop. She did and she was kidnapped and these people started to do testes on her when they were done they left her on the streets and when she woke up she didn't know who she was and didn't want to know where she was anymore.


I opened my eyes fast I looked over at Logan and he was looking over at me, he pulled me over into a hug and I hugged him back harder not wanting to let go.

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