It's a Love-Hate Relationship *15*

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I grinned while Toby, Amaya, and Alex gave Danny a weird look, making Brian laugh.

"She's done it before," he told them while making his way over to the couch. When they gave him questioning looks, he grinned before explaining. "She was eating ice cream one day, and Danny thought it'd be funny if he hid behind the couch and scared her while we were watching 'The Hills Have Eyes 2'. He jumped out and grabbed her shoulders at a pretty intense part, so she turned around and ended up beating him with a spoon, calling him every curse word she knew, in every language she could speak."

The three gave me a weird look as Danny and I grinned at each other, remembering the night that happened. That taught him to never try sneaking up on me, especially when I'm eating my yummy ice cream.

"Something is wrong with you guys," Amaya said while shaking her head, grinning a bit as Alex continued to give me a weird look.

"Nuh-uh, you just don't understand us!" Danny said while sticking his tongue out at her.

"You guys are immature," Jayden mumbled as he walked into the kitchen.

"Jayden guess what!" Alex exclaimed, jumping on to Jayden's back before telling him how many energy drinks he had with Amaya.

"I'm gonna make dinner tonight, then we're gonna have a movie night since we haven't had one in forever, 'kay?" Danny asked, turning to me and waited for my approval.

"Sure," I told him with a shrug. "What kind of movies are we watching tonight?"

"We picked up 'Just Go With It' and 'No Strings Attached' on our way over," Toby said while setting the movies on top of the TV before sitting on the recliner. "Danny insisted on funny movies tonight, and said he wanted to 'see Ashton Kutcher's God-like face'."

I grinned when Toby mimicked his boyfriend in a high pitched voice, then watched as he went over there to smack the back of Toby's head. When the two started messing around over there, I looked at Brian, who was watching the little four in front of us. "Did they force you to come?" I asked while watching the little ones in amusement as they tried sitting on Danny and Toby's laps.

"Yeah, they said I had to come visit, or those four would forget about me," he replied while chuckling as Danny squealed and tickled the twins, while Toby picked up Valentine and Jada.

"They wouldn't forget about their uncle Brian, they love you too much."

Brian rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground before mumbling, "Well they might forget about me soon... I'm actually going to move in with my cousin who lives down in the lower forty-eights, and I'm gonna go to a college near there." He glanced up at me to see my reaction, probably expecting me to be mad.

Ever since Macon introduced us around middle school, Brian's been my best friend. He once told me that he dreamed of going to college, then have a family.

"That's great! But you gotta come visit every now and then so they don't completely forget about you," I told him with a smile.

He grinned before saying, "I promise I'll visit when I get the chance. My cousin actually wants me to move down there next week since she has a friend she wants me to meet."

"Then start packing so you can fulfill your dream! What happened to the girl you were dating not too long ago?"

"We only dated for a week, then we agreed that it's best we're just friends."

"I hate you!" Danny shrieked, making Brian and I look over at him.

He was sitting on the arm of the recliner, with Sami and Sarah sitting in his lap, laughing at him, while Toby was sitting in the chair, both Jada and Valentine on his lap. Behind the chair, Alex had his arms behind his back with an innocent smile, as Danny furiously rubbed his ear with his sweater sleeve.

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