please stop.

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I woke up. "your mom says to get your ugly ass up," Kasper yelled at me. I adjusted to the sunlight. it was a dream. all a fucking dream. but why? why did I care so much in my dream? did I maybe... like Kasper? that bitch just started living with us. why did THAT part have to be real?


I climbed out of my bed, seeing Kasper already standing in our kitchen, scrolling through his phone. "oh look, it's a bitch," Kasper falsely smiled at me. I glared at him, scared to say or do anything to set him off. I pulled out a coffee cup, setting it lightly on the marble tile. Kasper's spoon kept on hitting the sides of his bowl of cereal. "can you please stop," I said, as politely as I could. "doing what," he shot back quickly. "hitting your spoon against the bowl," I mumbled quietly. he stopped and I heard feet thumping against the floor. I looked to see he was no longer there.

Hey it's me and I'm back with another fanfic ;)

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