The Lightwood Brothers Guide to Braces

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Morning young Lightwoods!

Its evening Gideon

Well how would know I'm buried underground

I think you mean, "how would I know I'm 5 brain cells short of an ape"

You shouldn't say such things about yourself

I will not tolerate such behaviour from you

Tell that to Jason


And today we will be telling you about a modern wonder

I wouldn't call them a wonder unless I was getting rich of selling them in the black market


Braces are basically torture devices for those who were unfortunate enough to be born with misshapen teeth

But in the end said unfortunate soul ends up with beautiful straight teeth

As straight as me

that's an aweful example

You dare say such things about me!

Oh it's a complement!

Teeth as straight as Jace Herondale can only be obtained after enduring years of pain and surviving without certain modern delicacys

Delicacys? I find them repulsive!

Coke isn't repulsive

And father always thought it would be me that ended up drugged and passed out in an alley

I think you might be reffering to Will

You only say that because you're in love with him

I thought we already agreed that I wasn't

You're still in denial I see

If I told you I love Will would you stop insisting?

You're admitting? YOU'RE ADMITTING!

What? no NO! I meant...


*muttered chanting in the distance*

What was that?

Jason's just excited at this turn of events

*muffled hissing*

He really does like the idea of you and Will

Why is Jason even here?

Should we get on with the chapter?

Do we ever?

Yes sister, we always stay 100% on topic

Right, so...

When braces are installed into your mouth you get the pleasure of picking what colour they are

We suggest either red or black

Red so it looks like your teeth are bleeding and in the occurence of an event where you need to make a swift escape from the clutches of anothers words you can simply say your mouth is broken and dissolve into the histeria caused

And black because...

There is no explaination needed, just



Always black

Furthermore, when getting braces you must be prepared to look like a complete fool for the extent of your sentance

We suggest staying inside at all possible times or wearing a plastic bag over your head, one which you might fasten at the neck to produce your own personal bubble

Why do I feel like your advice may results in large expenses in the form of funerals

I haven't a clue


Jason knows

Jason's not even human, what does he know


I take it back

Too late

*shuffling, creaking*

Bye bye brother

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