Chapter 5

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I forgot all his stuff in the car, I should get his doggie bowls and food out so he can eat his dinner too,  my mom settling the table with Richard, "Hey honey dinner almost done, why take a seat while I get the food out." I told her I will but let me get Reaper's things out the car, it'll take me two seconds to get it done.

I was making my way back to my room to get my shoes, as I make my way to the door Reaper comes up to me. "Come on boy let's get your things" Reaper following me to the front door but I stop in place when I heard Jimmy screamed after me "Violet! Violet! where are you going? Are you coming back? why are you leaving?" are all kids this curious I thought to myself.

I still replied to me, feeding into his curiosity "I'm not going anywhere I'm getting Reaper's things from the car so he can have his dinner and his bed" he nodded his head and replied "Oh, okay I just you were leaving or something, not that I care! I was just wondering. that's all." I laughed and messed with his hair. 

"I'll be right back kay? you go get clean up and ready for dinner while I get his stuff why don't you take Reaper with you." he smiled again and ran up the stairs "Come on Reaper!" Reaper barked happily and ran after him; grabbing my keys from my purse I went to my car I unlocked the backseat and grab the box of Reaper's stuff and sat it down on the floor.

While looking in I saw all my stuff I'll have to get everything tomorrow I shut the door and locked it up, turning I see Sam was right behind me, it scared the living shit out of me "Sam! what the hell you almost gave me a heart attack!" I bent to pick up the box, but I was pin against my door in a second I gasp what the hell and look up to see Sam looking down at me, a glare on his face. Well, someone wasn't happy. Was it because I ruined his booty call? that's not my fault she came into my room, I feel like that gives me rights to clap back at her.

"Can I help you?" I asked trying to push him away but no luck instead he spoke "Listen Violet you're in my house and there are some rules." I glared at him, why am I not surprised he was the bully type. He continues on "Rule one respect any girls who come and see me, if you're rude they won't come back, and I would have to find me another toy. Rule 2 When I want something better give it to me Violet, and last rule I can do whatever I want when I want you got it sweetheart?".

I have to admit it was quite simple rules but also very funny. I had to fight everything in me not to laugh how ridiculous this all sound. I recover quick I stood up straighter and glared at him "Don't you see sweetheart, I don't care if it's your house I will do whatever I want, I'm not going to let any spoiled brat pretty boy tell me otherwise and last you can't tell me what to do. Just live your life and I'll do the same. Just like keep out of my business and I'll keep out of yours, that good?" at this point I was in his face, showing him, I won't back down to him. From his face expression he didn't like being talked to like that his glare turns to a smirked and pushed me against the car molding his body against mine. Okay I will admit that really backfired on me.

"Okay new plan Violet, since you want to play this game." Game? I never said I was playing a game I was just inserting my dominance in this role since He began this pissing contest. "We stay out of each other business but if you fuck up my plans or make my toy of the week leave. You'll be punished in any way I see fit, are we clear?" he says are he grasp my neck, making me look at him, it was raining a little hard and he was smirking yet again. I can tell his face is starting to get on my nerves. He's also an impatient asshole because he lightly shakes me, snapping me out of my inner monologue again. 

I replied in a cold tone, "Crystal clear pretty boy. Now let go dinner ready and I'm hungry." he pushed off and walked away without saying another word. Who would have thought Richard Howl made a little shit like him. I picked up Reaper's things and made my way back to the house. 

I just want food after this day. 

The Step-BrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon