a possibility they never discovered

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They stood underneath a shed, protecting them from the unexpected turn of events, or rather, weather.The other's hazel eyes closely examining his reflection on the poodle. Stranded, the rain was still in a bad state to even try and fight . Water is wet, and so are they.

"Tell me the odds of this happening, really." said Awashima, sarcastically, a frown developing on her features. Blonde curls dampened when the rain had caught them off guard, then opting to go to a preferable place.

"The odds is that it's happening right now, Seri-chan." said Kusanagi, almost playfully and in appreciation of the little bit of humor he picked up from the tone of her voice.

"Besides, I'd rather mention on how every single of our meeting ends up with us, drenched and –wet." A little bit of unintended innuendo on his part though he was only stating the obvious.

"I'd rather you don't." Proceeding to ignore the very notion and the reaction it got out of her. Almost like a flinch. She was hanging around his company too much.

Though it cannot be helped, mainly with them having to work together even after the said crash and disappearance of the Slates.

Nevertheless, not explaining the chances they would be drenched by a sudden rain, with the morning starting as a sunny one.

"C'mon, it's not that bad to be stuck with me, right?" He let humor crept in his voice . Yet the underlying tone being a single pinch of hope, the other at least finds him great to be of company. It wasn't about justifying himself, but something that occurred to him , for the few days he worked closely , and by closely , personally with the other.

Looking down to her expectantly, not realizing the other was returning the gesture."You're right, it's not." Awashima settles for a small smile before adjusting her scarf ( it being the only one around the both of them ) then proceeding to wrap it around the both of them.

Only to stop halfway in realization although continuing the action, ''Don't want any of us catching a cold.'' she stammered for words. Going through an epiphany towards her actions and everything else.

Kusanagi himself was taken aback by the gesture. There was an underlying temptation and voice telling him to push further but he won't. He doesn't want to, not to the only Awashima Seri he knew. If there was any person who would know well of her boundaries, it would be him. And so he smiles in content and reaches for her hand to squeeze it. The leather of the gloves being the only material keeping them from direct contact.

"Mm. Thank you, Seri-chan."

"Thank you too." And she doesn't let go.  

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