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A/n: Jack or Ej im saying it like this

Ej sits there waiting for a response as the clock strikes 3 am.

"I'm immoral......." You say with a smile.

"How!?" Jack yelled out looking at you very confused.

"You know the tale of the faceless man? He lurks somewhere at night in the woods. While he found me and took me in raise me as he owns. He made me immoral on my sixteen birthday since he wanna me daddy little girl forever." You say taking a deep breath.

"Wait Wait. Slenderman your father? My boss, who I live with is your father?" Jack said.

"Wait what you mean live with and work with?" You say sounding puzzled. 

"They're more of us. We saw a picture of you before its hanging over the fireplace with you and him together. When the last time you saw your father?

"After my eleventh birthday, he sends me away to live with a "real family" because I need to be around people like me." You say.

"Oh.," Jack said regretting that he asked you. 

"So now what," You say wanting the subject to change.

Jack smirks at you then lift his mask up a bit kissing you. You kiss back then pull away looking shocked at Ej. Jack looks at you smiling kissing your cheek. He gets up walking towards the window jumping then runs off into the woods.

A/n: Where do Ej be going?

Eyeless Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now