Wide Awake

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Emma groaned her whole body felt rigid and stiff. She willed her eyes to open as she sat up.
"Why am I so stiff?" She muttered to herself as she used the railing for support.
"Because my dear that's what happens when you're in a coma for seven months." And old voice whispered and Emma looked to the side of the bed with a frown.

"What are you doing here?" She asked then frowned realizing what he had said" and what do you mean coma for seven months! I was in a coma?!?!" She asked bewildered and he chuckled lightly.
"Yes my dear and believe me a lot has changed." He whispered and Emma narrowed her eyes frowning at him.

"Oh yeah like what?" She asked trying to cross her arms only to wince at the contact the IV made with her arm.
"Quite a bit I'm afraid, your little friend Zero or whatever was adopted by Regina." He informed her and Emma grinned.

"Really that's so awesome!! They'll be perfect for each other!! Regina's always wanted to be a mom, but she can't because of the potion she drank to spite her mother. " Emma exclaimed excitedly and he frowned.
"Yes yes who cares that's not all though that pirate has taken a fancy to your dear aunt." He whispered and Emma's grin grew wider as she sat up straighter.

"That's so so so AWESOME!!" She whispered happily and he groaned.
"Ugh overly happy child that's not it your parents had another baby while you were in a coma." He whispered and Emma's smile fell instantly and her eyes hardened.

"And why should I believe you ?" She spat and he chuckled.
"You seemed to believe everything else I have told you, why not this? Isn't it obvious they replaced you the first chance they got?" He asked and Emma scowled.

"No they would never do that! Now make yourself useful and help me up George!" Emma grumbled and he grinned taking her hand he helped her out if bed and she carefully pulled the IV out and grabbed a gauze pad and held pressure on it as she wrapped it with gauze. She caught George's shocked expression and grinned

"I've escaped a hospital before Georgie or should I call you Grandpa? " she asked and he scowled. As Emma took a pile of her clothes and swiftly got dressed, in the bathroom.

"Come on Grandpa let's move out!" Emma whispered as she skillfully walked out of the hospital.

To Be Continued...
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