Stuff happens

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"Aaaaaaaannd.... Done! Hahahahahahahahaha! I did it! The system is done! I guess the first thing to do now is test the final version... Thank goodness I made a game (or many) while I was at it." Link said as he popped in one of his games he made for the system. "Ha the legend of Zelda remastered... Me a genius!" Link said. The system began to boot up, Link grabbed the controller and selected the game. "I guess the white screen was supposed to happen during game start u-" Link said as the game entirely crashed. "Crap my programming must've got rusty or something" Link said. So he tried his other games. (Which included: Punch-Out!! Remastered, Sonic the hedgehog remastered, Newer Super Mario Bros, Street fighter II remastered, and Mega Man re-powered up). None of which worked. "What the heck!?" Link said. Then the system began to shake... And stuff then a glowy white light filled the room. "Oh look shiny light! Gah!!!" Link said while getting knocked back by some kinda super spoopy force. An hour earlier.... "Dan this is amazing!" Link said to his friend. "I know! Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) season 2 is coming in a month!" Dan said. "That is awesome too, but I'll be able to finish my system once we reach my house!" Link said. "I agree with Link actually." Kayla said. "That's just because you two are dating ain't it?" Dan said. "No, this is a huge thing, it could be revolutionary in the gaming industry!" Kayla said. "Can't argue with that cause 4K graphics and 120fps gameplay is amazing!" Dan said. "Are ya having a hard time being third wheel there buddy?" Link said to Dan. "Totally" Dan said. So then they reached Link's house... Back to present time... "What was that!" Kayla and Dan said, but Link said nothing. "Link are you okay!?" Kayla said. "If you're dead I'll take care of Kayla for you!" Dan said. Kayla slapped him harder than you can slap anyone. Then Link reached him hand up and grabbed Dan's neck, "Try it I dare you! I'll kill you a-...... Oh God! Dan I'm sorry!" Link said. "I didn't mean it!" Dan said. "Sure sounded like it..." Kayla said. "Wait what'd he say?" Link said. "I'll tell you later babe I just wanna make sure you're okay." Kayla said. "I think I'm okay..." Link said. "Uh guys I see a scary shiny light over there!" Dan said. "I'll check it out" Link said. Link got up and went to the light. "It looks like a block a very shiny one at that" Link said. "Touch it!" Dan said. "I wasn't planning to touch this" Link said as he looked a Kayla. She smiled. "Just.... Do it!" Dan said. "Okay Mr.Shia Leboeuf" Link said as he touched the thing. "I feel violated...." Said the block. "Oh hi!" Link said. "Hi, my name is Pixel, I am here because someone did something and screwed their planet" Pixel said. "It was Link!" Dan said as he pointed to Link. "I only screwed one per.... That's not what he meant did he?" Link said to Dan. "Nope but now I know" Dan said. "Well it was gonna get out somehow" Kayla said. "Okay back on track what did I do?" Link said to Pixel. "You released enemies from the games you tried to play who will now take over the world, but there is one way to stop them... You become the hero." Pixel said. "Wow that was straight up... Wait how'd it happen though?" Link said. "You'll find out when he time is right" Pixel said. (Oh, a side note Pixel is now floating after being violated.) "So how do I become Mr hero?" Link said. Then a huge light was shot at Link. "GAAAAH!!!!" Link screamed. "LINK!" Kayla shouted. "What's going on!?" Link's mom said. (She will now be referred to by her first name Tanya) "Uh well that" Dan said. "You know you can be a smart a sometimes" Tanya said jokingly. "Thanks" Dan said. Link fell to the ground after the light went away. "He's fine by the way, I just gave him his powers and hello ma'am I'm pixel" "I'm Link's mom." Tanya said.  "I'll get you caught up on the rest later Tanya" Kayla said. "My question is why'd he say he'll kill us all?" Dan asked Pixel. "When he was hit he must've got hit with the knowledge of what's happening before he knew" Pixel said. "Oh good, also what powers do I have now?" Link said. "The ability to become: Link (hero of hyrule), Sonic, Mega Man, little Mac, Ryu, Mario" Pixel said. "Cool!" Link said.

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