Aarmau Part 2

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On the couch
"Ugh why did I have to wake up so early" Aphmau complained
"Well maybe if you would have went to bed earlier you wouldn't be complaining" Katlyan argued
"Hey you know attack on Titan is the greatest anime ever" Aphmau said
"You know what...agreed" Katlyan replied
"That's what I thought" Aphmau said "Anyway what time is it" Aphmau asked
"Uh let me check...it says it's 11 o-clock" Katlyan answered
"Ok I'm gonna put in my hours at the maid cafe" Aphmau said
"Have fun" Katlyan replied
"I won't" she said
And then she left

(After work) at front door
"Ok it's 3:30 I better change so I can get to Aaron's" Aphmau said to herself
"Who's house are you going to" Kawaii chan said while peaking out corner of the wall
"Ugh Zayn's house" Aphmau said while trying to hide the lies in her face
"Ugh just let it out who's house are you going to" Kawaii chan screamed
"I'm going to Zayn's" Aphmau replied
"You know what I give up" then walked upstairs to her room
"Okay I'm gonna get cleaned up Aphmau" said to herself

(After Aphmau gets cleaned up) at Aaron's front door step
*ding dong*
"Hey" Aaron said "I have dinner on the table"
"Thanks for inviting me" Aphmau said
"No problem" Aaron replied
As Aphmau sat down as Aaron passed out silverware but Aaron dropped a napkin both Aphmau and Aaron tried to grab the napkin and Aphmau's hand touched Aaron hand and then they looked at each other And a thought emerged and that thought was a kiss but that thought was soon a reality

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