Kylo Ren's Journal

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Dear Diary,
NO WAIT I MEAN Dear Journal,
Today I joined the First Order. Supreme Leader Snoke said I'm not a Sith yet *cri* and I'm just a user of the Dark Side. But I'm still close to my grandfather DARTH VADER *cue Imperial March*!!! I am no longer Ben Solo!!! I hate my family (except mom's love💕 STOP IT KYLO KEEP BEN INSIDE)...SO I KILLED LUKE'S JEDI ACADEMY AND I DON'T CARE HA HA!!!!! Also remember to blow up Tattooine and Jakku once the Star Destroyer is finished because Grandfather hates sand and those planets have SAND OF ALL THINGS ON THEM!!!!! Huxie is calling me so I should go. I love annoying him!!!
Love Kylo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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