Chapter Twenty-Five Part Two

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(Unknown Point of View)

"Shut up, fools! All of you!" I snarled loudly, stomping my paw and baring my teeth. "We can't just stroll in like it's some damn leisurely walk on Sunday!"

The rest of the group seemed to shrink a little except for the Beta: Wild.

"Well we have to get in there somehow!" Wild stated.

I growled in frustration.

"We need to tackle their weak spot." A pack member said.

"We have to attack them from ALL SIDES." I grunted.

"Yeah, all sides of the territory where we can be attacked from any angle!" One wolf argued sarcastically.

"QUIET!" I yelled harshly. I heard a whine of acceptance of being told off.

"Maybe we should plan a sneak attack." Another wolf, the weakest wolf, Bolt.

And he actually gave a good idea.

The other wolves mumbled in agreement.

I growled and scratched my claws against the stone of the cave floor to get their attention.

"I can't even hear myself think." I snarled quietly.

They were all moronic loons, my followers, my pack members. They did whatever I told them to do. I could use this to my advantage.

"They are the toughest pack, with the largest territory, in the whole forest. We need a decent, complicated plan, with backups, and branches off the plan in case things take a wrong turn." I snapped coldly.

I groaned and rubbed my scarred eye with the back of my paw, my pitch black fur blending into the darkness of the den.

The group erupted into conversation and arguing.

They were all idiots, I swear.

"We'll take them down one by one wolf if we have to." I stormed.

"We should start with the lower ranks. Then there won't be as many wolves to protect the Alphas." The Beta said darkly.

At least my trusted Beta isn't an idiot.

"No, we have to go for all of the lower ranks at once! It's more time efficient." Another member suggested.

"No, that would just be stupid. They'd all attack us then we'd all be dead within the week. We have to assassinate each wolf in secrecy." I pointed out annoyedly.

"Then what is our plan, alpha Steel?" He asked me, irritated.

"Just wait. We'll figure something out. We'll be the kings of the forest in the very near future." I replied, chuckling darkly.

"Soon, all of the Pack of Nightfall will be dead."

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