Invisible Existence

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This is nothing more than a mere story. a story of a boy who tuned up his gears in hope of being a man. A story of a life that revolved around love. Okay. Right. Love has a lot of meanings into it. There's a love for sibblings, for a friend, for a family, for a special someone. A love from a kiss. A love from your crush. An inspiration. And many more. But this...This story will go in between the lines of having that special someone in your life.

I do not mind being wordly incorrect. This story will just be a written salutation of nothing but plainly emotions uprooted from the gallantry of my heart. Wherever it is hidden within the forts of my iron plated heart.

So this is the start...

That was the start...

The moment I took courage...Wherever they may be now.

Honestly, I dot not know where to start. The ideas and creations of storylines outpours in the blazes from the fragments of my heart. As you can see, I have more than 10 stories that are currently hanging in the back of my hard drive hoping to mush something out my brain and get them finished. But since I've been more than a pulverized incompetent coward for the past few months, eh, perhaps I resolved my emotions into something more...err...dolting actions.

Now that's almost a complete paragraph of non sensical matters. How should I start...

Ah. Alas.

The memories. It was greatly clear in my mind how the possible connections were ever created between me and the cause of my chaotic life.

I could have just said "this" chaotic life of mine, but I want to emphasize the "THE" of the chaos she have brought into my life. Anyhuu.

So, I guess fate decided to somehow play with me. Now that I recall, there is no possible way of escaping the possibility of knowing her. Having her very existence in my life. 

When I go right, my friend asked her sister, let's name her Celine, for a date of a lifetime. But yah. Lucky guys as we can ever be, this sister of hers is a real...ermmm..charm. A pain in the arse if I should say.  Men from our school are magically dazed by her awesome, uuhhh...Tell you what. I was never actually amazed of her childish acts and her screachy little voice that can torture my eardrums. While the other guys from my class are in fact hallucainating about dating her. Same goes for my friend/brother - Joe. So I trusted myself enough when the moment she said no came, then he begged me to hopefully talk her into saying yes.

Don't get me wrong I was just like any other guy. Easily tempted. I'm just a boy. A hormone junky of sort and was and is alive because of it. It took a few moments of talking with her to make me be attracted for a bit. However, considering that I was "dating" someone back then, I know how to stop myself. -Or was I "dating" her??"- Yah. I suck when it comes to girls. Well, let me take that back...

Not exaclty suck at it. I'm not a big fanatic of being a playboy or a so handsome guy of sort, one of the girls already told me, "You have the magic powder to fall girls for you. So stay out of it." Alrighty. Whatever you say. Hah! Nevertheless. Girls and me...Umm..How do I put this. They see me as an oasis. A light within the cave. The callmm in a storm. The darkness within a white. The white within the darkness. The love within hate. The reason for another life. The hello for a goodbye. Blah blah blah. You get what I mean? I mean. Don't be silly now. Sorry, girls, but yah. You're hard to understand. Still for some magical reason, you find me attractive and very understanding. Although, yah, well lots of girls find me that way. The prince charming of I don't care, but when it comes to me finding someone to be serious about, or finally deciding to be serious with love and its fancy fairy tales, karma bites me right in the arse. So, there you go. Long story, but why is that girl "dating" me? She's "dating" me in the midst of nothingness. I was just imagining how things could have been if she could have said yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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