The Unbelievable

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Pic of Xavier on the side, If anyone can tell me who this is, it would be greatly appreciated so I can add them to my cast list :)


Some people were already drunk, others tipsy and looking after their friends who were sick in the bushes. I raised an eyebrow, knowing exactly how this night would end and how much I hated parties.

Chelsea's arm linked through my own and I was dragged through the huge house and out into the back garden. The house itself was modern and well looked after; the gardens were well manicured, the paint on the house was fresh; painted probably every six months. The design of the house was open with glass walls being the highlight point. Floating glass staircases lead to the second, third and fourth floor, a floating wooden staircase lead to the garage and basement. 

I stepped outside with Chelsea to see Ryan staring at Chelsea. I new immediately they were mates, though couldn't understand why they weren't together. 

"Hi Ryan" I greeted, 

"Alexis, I see you did decide to grace us with your presence" Ryan smiled, 

I nodded and glanced at Chelsea, she was staring at him with a tinge of hurt in her eyes and love. 

"I will let you two go" I murmured and walked back into the house. I still had not seen the Alpha nor anyone else I knew from school. I knew that the two would mate later tonight. 

I stood at the table that held drinks and food, taking a glass I filled it with straight bourbon and downed it quickly. I never liked mixed drinks nor did I like weak liquor. I had grown up with a hard life and alcohol was my release for my physical pain and mental anguish.

I noticed the room had gone silent and so, turning I looked to where everyone else stood. The Alpha stood at the top of the staircase, his disheveled black hair had evidence of him running his fingers through it and his grey eyes were hard; I knew he had seen things he never wanted to see. 

I felt my wolf growing irritated and the thought of anyone else looking at the Alpha made me angry. I frowned to myself, jumping when I heard his voice. 

"Good evening everyone" The Alpha's voice was strong and silky, I felt chills and shivers run down my spine as I listened to him. 

"He's a real hunk" Chelsea whispered in my ear, startling me as I continued gazing at the Alpha.

"I know" I smiled, shocking myself with the statement. 

Chelsea giggled and eyed me suspiciously.

"As you know I have been travelling for a year on business, and unfortunately have not yet found my mate. That is why tonight, we will drink, have fun and of course announce those who have been lucky enough to find theirs" The Alpha was sarcastic as he said lucky, immediately I knew he did not find the idea of a mate as pleasing as others did. "So without further delay, I would like Omega Ryan and Beta Taylor to please step forward"

The boys walked up the stairs to meet the Alpha at the top of the landing. 

"Beta Taylor has found his mate; Cassidy of the neighbouring pack. Unfortunately she could not make it here tonight due to family complications and that she cannot travel as she is pregnant with... Taylor's pups" it was easy enough to know that the Alpha did not like the fact that Taylor had pups coming. It would further complicate things within the pack. 

Everyone cheered and saluted, some howled and others whistled, I just clapped, bored and wanting to go home.

"Secondly, Omega Ryan has found his mate; Chelsea Davids, Chelsea please join your mate" Chelsea blushed and slowly made her way up the stairs as people cheered and clapped. "Enjoy your night everyone" The Alpha smiled and then walked down the stairs and outside, two blonde women hanging off his arms. 

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