the new boy

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned. I rolled over in bed to shut it off. As I was about to sleep for 10 more minutes my light turned on. Then I heard a mischievous laugh as my brother Chris started down the stairs. Then I heard him say "dammit Scar really" after I made him trip and fall with my magic down the flight of stairs. Now I was laughing hysterically.
After I had gotten dressed and headed downstairs me and Violet were waiting in the kitchen for our brother. After he finally got downstairs and ready he drove us to school in his black camaro.
As me and Violet headed to our 10th grade homeroom, Chris headed to his 11th grade homeroom. If you can't tell already chris had failed 3rd grade so he is a grade behind what he should be in.
At lunch me and Violet sat with our friends. This boy at our table kept staring at my sister. U mean how could you not she had light violet, waist length hair and a pretty skinny, muscular body with curves. While I had scarlet red,waist length hair and I was kind of skinny. By that I mean I was skinny but I was very muscular with curves. Me and my sister could kill with our looks and muscle.
When the boy, Brad looked at violet the next time I said "are you gonna ask her something or stare at her all day". Then that's when he asked her will you be my girlfriend Violet?". At first she looked shocked then she said more like screamed "yes u will Brad".

After Brad asked out my sister I had seen the new boy who was 16 and in 10th grade walk to sit down at a table. Then all he did was continually stare at me. I hate that feeling you get when someone is staring at you. After lunch had ended me and Violet went to gym.

After the end of the school day bell had rung my mind was very distracted. As I went to my brothers car I hadn't noticed that there were two black camaro so I just walked up to one and hopped in. After about a minute I had heard someone speak and their voice wasn't familiar. The voice said "does the beautiful girl need a ride home." Then I turned my head to see who it was. Then I recognized the face...i had gotten in to the new boys car.

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