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The day started like any other day. The guys all messing around and Takuto telling them to 'shut up' to no avail. They were waiting for Jade to come down so they could start the meeting for the Black Foxes. She was usually the last one down, still not really used to getting up for them just yet but even for her it had been a while.

"What's taking her so long?" whined Takuto. "She should've been down 30 min ago! I swear I'll go and drag her down here myself if I have to." 

The others started to laugh at him but any retorts were cut short by a soft thud that came from the top of the stairs.

"What's that..?" asked Hiro confused.

"Sounds like Jade is coming.. maybe she's sliding down?" Kenshi suggested, no one else offered their ideas. Everyone kept their eyes on the stairs and waited impatiently for the source of the noise to reveal themselves.

It took almost a minute but eventually they saw it. A little girl that couldn't have been older than 5, which would have been strange on it's own but she was also the spitting image of the very girl they had been waiting on.

"What's going on here?" questioned Riki. They all had theories ranging from Jade having a secret daughter to a little sister that she hadn't told them she was watching, but none of them explained why Jade herself hadn't come down with this little girl.

All of the foxes resolved to go up and talk to Jade about it, but before they could get to the stairway, the little girl walked right up to the booth they sat in. She tried her best to climb up on her own but eventually Boss came from his place behind the counter and helped. The rest of the boys were too shocked to do anything but stare.

"Thank you mister," she said as she got comfortable. She looked up and realizing she couldn't see the rest of the table's occupants from where she was, moved to be kneeling on the booth. "Hi, I'm Jade. I'm this many years old." she said as she held up 5 of her fingers. "Do you know where my friends are?"

Kenshi was the first to snap out of the daze she had put them all in. "Hi Jade, I'm Kenshi, what do your friends look like?" 

Jade scrunched up her eyebrows and shook her head, "you're not Kenshi."

The foxes all looked at each other confusedly, this wasn't getting any clearer. Boss decided to speak up next, "why wouldn't he be Kenshi?"

"He looks like Kenshi.. but Kenshi is only a little bit bigger than me. Are you his daddy?" Kenshi slowly shook his head. "Well you can't be Kenshi." Jade crossed her arms and looked around at the rest of the boys sitting around the table. "You guys look like my friends, I thought you could help me find them." 

Everyone was back into the daze they were in when she first came up to them. This little girl that looked just like Jade and her the same name apparently had missing friends that looked just like them. They all wanted to say something, make some sense of the situation but no matter how hard they tried, they were all stumped. 

They were all snapped back to reality at the same time when she started sniffling. Everyone immediately sat up straighter, so badly wanting to pick her up and make her feel better, but they sat back letting her boyfriend be the one to pick her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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