Angel Of Darkness (Sparklington)

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Requested by wolfsrock311. I hope you like it.
Note: This is in Season 2.

*Wag POV*

I sighed in defeat as the shouts pierced my ears. Tom and Jordan were fighting again. I sat on Tom's tree, patiently waiting for them to finish. Some time later, I could hear a door being slammed shut and I looked over to see Jordan running away. It hurt my heart to see him like this. Tom didn't deserve such a great boyfriend. I followed Jordan back to his fortress and knocked on his door softly. I couldn't hear anything but sobs so I just opened his bedroom door. I had never seen Jordan so hurt. His eyes were red and puffy and he looked really thin. Dust and cobwebs were all around the room. I magicked the place clean and went over to him, hugging him tightly.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"He cheated on me. And I broke up with him." Jordan croaked out. I hugged him even tighter as he  leaned on my shoulder, soft tears staining my robes. I wondered how someone could hurt him. Jordan was so kind and caring and brave and I could talk about him forever. I loved him, loved him from afar, because who could love a monster like me. I started crying as well, the blood red tears falling down my grey skin. Jordan looked up at me, his brown eyes staring back at my red ones. He buried his head in my neck, still sobbing.

"He doesn't deserve you." I said, finally breaking the silence. He didn't say anything. We just remained there for the whole night, until dawn came and the sun started rising. I looked at Jordan. He was snoring softly. I kissed his forehead and left, tucking him in bed.

*Time Skip 1 Year*

I was in my tower looking over the ingredient list for a new spell. I wanted to create an even stronger Star Fall spell than any other spell I had ever created and I getting ready to create the spell. I went outside and threw the ingredients in the obelisk, dancing with joy as I held up the spell. I gently put it in my spell book and looked up at the sky. The blood moon shone over the fields, allowing mobs to spawn at an unnatural rate. I laughed and flew over the ruby fields, frowning as I looked at a crowd of mobs around someone who tried to desperately kill them. Looking closely, I could see Jordan on his last few hearts. I pulled out my spell book and muttered a few words, my eyes glowing white as bright blue lights fell from the sky, killing off the mobs. I ran over to Jordan, who had passed out from exhaustion. I sighed, carrying him to his fortress. I magicked a wet towel, placed it on his forehead and gave him a healing potion. After a few hours, he woke up, surprised to see me there.

"Wag! What are you doing here?" He looked at me in disbelief as more tear fell down my face. Damn the gods above for cursing me with darkness in my blood.

"You were attacked by mobs and you passed out."

"Blood moon?"


"Thank you for being my angel Wag." He hugged me as I tried to pull away. "Is anything wrong?"

"I'm no angel. I'm cursed."


"To have darkness course through my blood. To make me immortal and an ugly monster."

"You aren't cursed and you clearly are no monster. You are an angel. My angel. My angel of darkness." He leaned in, his lips brushing against my own. I could feel sparks fly all around us as electricity sparked in me. As we separated for air, I smiled in happiness.

"I've been waiting to do that for a long time." I whispered.

"Me too angel. Me too." He replied.

Hello Night Creatures. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. More are to come and requests are still open.

-Mikki Out-

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