20 - Kitten and Lion

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"I-I didn't let them rape you..." Dan mumbled sheepishly. There was tears forming in his eyes now, holding back a sob. Michael shook his head, wiping a way his tear.

"That doesn't matter now..." Michael said, kissing Dans cheek. "I just... You could be a rapist yourself and I'd still take you back as my friend. You've done stuff I'm not happy about, but so have I. Either way, Dan, you did save my life."

Dan smiled up at him sheepishly. "I did?"

"Are you crazy? You didn't know that?" Michael laughed, squeezing Dans cheeks just like Dan did to him years ago. "You did and you know it, where would I be without my lion?"

"I don't know where I'd be without my kitten..."

To hear kitten and lion used together again, to know Dan had remembered eachothers nicknames meant too much to him.


Michael moved his way down the queue, ignoring the lunch lady and canteen. He walled quick, but not too quick, he didn't want to trip. Or, more commonly, trip over someones foot that they stuck out purposely.

Michael felt a hand grab his shirt, causing him to instantly shut his eyes. Soon a hand was on his bum, squeezing harshly.

"You like that faggot, hm?" The person said. Michael whimpered, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the money he had, holding it out with a shaky hand. The person dropped him and he fell to the floor, letting out a whine.

He sat on the floor, shaking. And no one cared. No one stopped for one second to help him up, no one would dare be seen with Michael Clifford, unless they wanted to be absolutely slaughtered for been seen helping Michael. So, no one went near Michael.

Except for Dan Howell. His best, his only friend. His everything.

He got up shakily and sat down next to Dan, instantly cuddling into his chest. Dan stroked Michaels hair softly, humming to himself. "You okay?" He asked.

Michael nodded, clutching onto Dans shirt. Dan sighed, wishing Michael knew how to stick up for himself. Of course, Dan didn't blame Michael, it's not like any of this was his fault.

"Look at the faggots."

Michael stayed hidden in Dans chest.

"One has pink hair, how fucking gay."

Michael didn't even sniffle.

"If you're going to wear girl clothes, at least wear something that fits, you fat fag."

Michael had stopped reacting to these a long time ago. He asked Dan not to react either, which Dan found hard to do as he sat there, clenching his fists.

"The pink one is so fucking ugly."

Michael didn't care.

"So is the other one, he's a cunt too."

Michael cared.

Michael sat up, turning to the bullies. He narrowed his eyes, sitting up straight. He looked up to the bullies and hissed.

The bullies just laughed, and Michael hissed again. The bullies eventually got bored and walked away of Michaels hisses, causing Michael to proudly sit back down, a big smile on his face.

Dan laughed. "You scared them away again, Mikey."

Michael grinned as Dan talked. "I think you're like a little kitten when you hiss like that."

Michael hissed at Dan playfully, and Dan hissed back. Michaels eyes widened, looking at Dan curiously. Michael poked his chest, leaning close and whispering. "Lion."

Dan smiled brightly. "You think I'm like a lion?"

Michael nodded, causing Dan to wrap his arms around him. "And you're my little kitten."

Michael whispered. "Lion and kitten."

Dan nodded, kissing his cheek. "Kitten and lion."


"Oh my god... You... You still have it."

"Of course I do." Michael smiled sheepishly. "Why wouldn't I? I can't sleep without it."

Dan held the lion plushie up, looking at it. "And, you still call it Dan."

"Daniel." Michael corrected. "Daniel the lion."

Dan sat down on Michaels bed, clutching the plushie. "Of course... So, tell me about this boyfriend of yours."

"W-Who?" Michael blushed, looking at Dan innocently.

"The one who wouldn't let me near you, obviously." Dan rolled his eyes playfully. "You guys are like, so in love. I could see that all night."

Michael crawled up onto the bed, crawling into Dans lap. "Tell me about your boyfriend first."

Dan smirked, kissing Michales chin softly. "His name is Phil, he's... amazing. Perfect. He's always so happy, and perky, and creative. A little angel bean."

Michael grinned. "My lions all grown up now."

"So is my kitten." Dan smiled, patting Michaels cheek. "God, I missed you so much... and you're talking too."

Michael nodded, blushing. "Yeah, alot has changed, hasn't it?"

Luke came through the room suddenly, breathing heavily and heading straight for Dan. "Get your hands off him! You-"

"Luke, Luke!" Michael squeaked, grabbing Luke quickly. "It's okay, he's okay."

Luke stared at Dan, growling. "But you said-"

"It's a long story... Dan is my best friend."

Only now did Luke realise Michael was on Dans lap, his face fell slowly. Michael realised and crawled off Dan slowly.

Dan smiled. "Don't worry, I have a boyfriend of my own. Michael and I... we're just really close."

Luke huffed, crawling up the ladder and wrapping an arm around Michael protectively. "You had never worrying about you all night, babe, why didn't you tell me you were leaving the party?"

Michael kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry, I couldn't find you, there was so many people."

"What about Ashton or Calum."

Michael gigged. "They were too busy sucking eachothers faces off."

Luke widened his eyes. "Wait, they kissed? Have they drank?"

"No." Dan said. "There wasn't any alcohol as seen as it was just a... party for... back to school... and uh..." Dan trailed off, Lukes fierce eyes glaring at him. "Uh, Michael? I don't think he likes me very much..."

Michael laughed, about to say something as the door opened yet again. Sounds of low groans and whimpers filled the room as Ashton and Calum stumbled into the room, Calum pushing Ashton against the wall softly.

"Guys!" Luke laughed. "We're right here!"

Ashton and Calum practically jumped apart from eachother, blushing harshly. "We uh, we're just..."

Dan laughed, picking up his phone. "Mind if I call Phil, I'm feeling a bit left out with this whole couple thing."

Michael nodded, smiling. "We have enough beds for you guys to stay, as long as we all don't mind sleeping in twos."

Of course, no one objected to that.

(kind of a filler, but also a dip into danchael lol, there will be interesting stuff popping up but do remember this book is a continuous cute college book rather than some gripped vampire book x i'm also trying to update more)

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