Neighbors Can Be Annoying

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“Dang neighbors, being loud again. I can’t take this anymore” complained Sam. He got up and stormed over to the window and screamed louder than a jet, “Guys! Could you shut up for one night?”

The teenagers then yelled back to Sam, “No! Quit your complaining, old man!”

Sam was infuriated at his obnoxious neighbors. He did not know how to express his anger so, he just screamed. He had never been called old in his entire life. He considered himself to be young, thirty is not old. Sam has been up for days, due to his insane neighbors. Sam has not been able to write for days because he can not hear himself think over the noise of his neighbors music.

Sam went back to his desk and decided he would try to keep writing. His new book was assigned a deadline that was creeping up on him faster than he thought. Sam knows that he is going to miss the deadline but, it is his book, he can do what he wants with it. He is not even close to being done. He thinks that he can hope fully get it done so he does not lose fans.

Sam proceeds to call the cops because he has repeatedly told them to turn down the music but, they have not done so. He dialed nine-one-one and it rung for a couple seconds until he heard the operator's calm voice say, “ Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?”

Sam replied with, “I have asked my neighbors to turn down their music multiple times and they still have not.”

The lady sounded exasperated with this, “Alright, we will send over an officer. Have a nice night sir.”

Sam just replied in the same tone as the woman, “You too ma’am.”

The cops showed up twenty minutes later and forced them to turn down the music. Sam then thought to himself, “What a relief.”

The music was turned up faster than the cops left. Sam yelled to himself, “Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me?”

Sam then tried to go to bed deciding that he will solve his issue on his own tomorrow.

        Sam woke up the next day got himself prepared for the day. He needed to go shopping for the supplies he needed to use to execute his plans. He grabbed trash bags, new knives, gloves, and new trash cans. When he was checking out the cashier was checking him out. Discomfort consumed Sam during this, it got even worse when she wrote her number on the receipt. When he left the store he threw the receipt in the trash. Sam then headed home with his supplies.

Before Sam went home he decided to make a stop at the neighbor's house. He left his new stuff in his car so that it would make things less awkward. He then walked up their long, black and gray, gravel pathway, knocked on the mahogany door, and waited for an answer. After one minute the door opened, “Hi, I am your neighbor, Sam. I want to know if you would like to come over for coffee and dinner at my house tonight?”

The man that opened the door seemed to be around twenty-two. Sam thought to himself, “So, he is not a teenager.”

He answered back in a groggy voice sounding like he had just woke up, “Uh, yea, sure.” he scratched his head, “What time?”

Sam felt excited that he was coming over, “Is six-o’clock alright for you?”

“Yea, no problem see you then. By the way, my name is Derek” he thrust out his hand for Sam to shake and he did.  

Sam then started home and placed his new trash cans on the side of his house. He walked up to his front door, shoved his key in the lock, turned it, and made his way inside with his newly bought stuff.  Sam put away his new knives, placed the gloves on the counter, and placed the trash bags underneath the sink. Sam looked at the time, it was four o’clock. He decided that he would start dinner, knowing that it would take him a while to make. As Sam was preparing dinner he could not take Derek off of his mind. Derek was a delightful, dandy, darling that also came with a nice jaw bone. An amazing jaw bone if you will, it was so defined it could cut someone. He also had a six-pack, which Sam has noticed this when he first met him due to Derek not wearing a shirt. Sam thought to himself, “What am I thinking?”

Sam liked women, or so he thought. He has not been with a women since high school. When he thought of it, he has not been with anyone since high school. He decided to push Derek out of his mind and think of something else. He thought, “How am I going to go about what I am about to do?” Sam looked over at the clock for the tenth time now and it read five-fortyfive. Realizing it was almost six, Sam started the pot of coffee.

Sam had made steak for dinner with a side of salad and cheese topped asparagus. When six-o’clock came around he heard “knock, knock, knock” on his door. He walked over to the door and gingerly opened it, welcoming Derek inside. They sat down on Sam’s brown couch and Sam asked, “So Derek, how are you?”

Derek flipped his hair to the side while Sam tucked his behind his ears, “I am good and yourself?”

Sam was trying to answer quickly so they could start dinner so he could get this over with, “I am alright. Would you like to sit down and eat? I made steak, salad, and cheesy asparagus. I hope you like it.”

Derek looked at the food and said, “Of course. It looks great.”

The two men sat down and started to talk about Derek’s parties and about how he has them every night. Sam could not keep his mouth shut anymore, he said, “Could you try to keep the volume down please? I have a book to finish and I can not think with all that noise.”

Derek looked apologetic, “I am so sorry about that. I will try my best. You know how parties are, everyone controls the music and I try keep it to a minimum.”

Sam was relieved, “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

They finished up dinner, cleaned it up, and Sam poured them some coffee. They sat on the couch and the questions continued. Sam found out that Derek had just broke up with his boyfriend. Sam was relieved at the sound of this, it would make his next actions so much easier.

Sam excused himself for a second so he could refill his coffee. He stepped into the kitchen, poured himself some coffee, and slipped something up his sleeve. He sauntered back over to the couch with his coffee. He set down his coffee on his granite coffee table and sat a couple inches closer to Derek, which made them about five inches away. Derek did not seem uncomfortable by this so, it was okay. It was quietly loud in the room and Sam did not know what to do. So, he went with his instincts, leaned forward and kissed Derek. Derek tensed up for a couple seconds then his shoulders relaxed. Then, when Derek least expected it, Sam stabbed Derek right in the heart. Sam held Derek as he watched the life drain out of his eyes. Sam dropped his lifeless body to the floor then picked up his coffee and sipped it in relief.

It was the next day and Sam had put Derek’s dead body in a trash bag and threw it into his Impala the night before. He drove all the way to an abandoned farm, considering he lived in Texas, this was not very difficult. He turned off his car, got out, walked to the trunk, and when he opened it he could not believe his eyes. Derek’s eyes were open and he was breathing. Derek climbed out of the trunk bloody and confused. Derek could not be alive. Unless Sam did not hit his heart, Sam thought, he should have bled out at this point. Sam panicked, he grabbed a knife from the back of his car and chopped of Derek’s head. Sam placed Derek’s head in a box and buried his head and his body on two opposite sides of the farm, deep in the ground. Sam hopped back in his car and drove home with Vision by Jason Manns playing on the radio, hoping that he will now be able to finish his book and that he will never see Derek ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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