The Portal

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I walk outside. When I'm greeted by Madison. Dressed in her usual scarf that is light blue with lightning coming out of it every few seconds. I say hi to her. Then she tells me that the tower of Akka's door to enter has finally opened. I call upon a meeting about the tower of Akka. Everyone comes, even Ethan surprisingly. I start telling how the entrance to the tower of Akka has opened up. Kieron says, "Why has the entrance opened after eleven months of trying to get it open". I say that I heard that someone has opened a portal to this dimension, without destroying everything around the portal. Then I tell them that the goddess Athena has gotten Janas to open a portal to, Tarturas to check on the lord titan Kronos. Gabbie then said, "Do you think that the answer to open the door is Tarturas?" I replied with, "yes, so everyone get ready to take a trip to Tarturas." Everyone went to their room and stared packing. The very first I pack was my darkness cloak. Next I grab the dagger of night and it's matching bow of void that disappears into thin air and comes back when I'm in trouble. I walk out of my room to see Madison with her scarf that turns into a arc spell book. When Kieron comes out he has his amulet of fire on which turns into either a flaming sword and shield, a flaming mace, or a flaming great sword. Ethan comes out of the armory with a full suit of bronze armor and bronze sword. Gabbie walks up with her orb of Terra, armour of ground, and talisman of Earth.

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